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Going onto the 9th year knowing SS..

EveryoneLies's picture

Wow! I can't believe last time I post something was 2 years ago.

Life hasn't always been all rosy and rainbows, but I feel now I finally kind of learn how to center myself. Not without a cost though, I've gone through so many different cancer treatments, and just finally be at a stage that I don't need to go to the hospital anymore. It was a blessing that I was able to find out before the cancer cell spread. I do feel like the whole experience let me rethink how I should treat myself and my love ones. 



Elea's picture

You all may remember that the diablas26&28 left the USA to live in a foreign country for 3 months. OSDiabla and YSDiabla moved into an apartment together. It would be entertaining to be a fly on the wall watching those two fight it out in a shared space. Both are so self-centered, blame everyone else for all of their problems, take no personal responsiblity and are hell bent on everything being "fair." I am sure they labor and nit-pick over every little minute detail. Both are screamers and YSD is a biter and hitter.

Greedy HCBM

Childless_Catlady_917's picture

DH and I are dealing with a HCBM. We are likely going back to court soon to redo CO for visitation schudule. HCBM is a very greedy and manipulative person and will for sure be asking for more child support. I make a lot more than DH and she knows it.  We live in Massachusetts. Does anyone know if they can factor in my income in determining DH's child support payments? 

I don’t want to jinx it..

JustanotherSM17's picture

But things have been really good since SD15 has decided to remove herself from our family and stopped coming for her visitations. I'm not sure if you recall but the last time SD15 came ( about 2 months ago ) she started drama every day that she was here, she talked back to DH, she lied to BM about DH and ultimately created a huge fight between BM and DH. After DH sent SD15 a text explaining to her why her behavior was wrong, hold her accountable for her lies SD basically sent a text back putting on the blame on DH and myself. She even said that DH was "stuck" with me because we have child.

Missed the party part 2

No Name's picture

DH spoke to SD asking if we could take birthday grandchild out for a fun day and he was told NO.

SD said that he is family just the same as BM and he is to come to these family events with BM and her clan if he wants to see the grandkids.

He asked why BM can spend time with grandkids but he/we cannot.  There was no answer.  
So basically it is on their terms or not at all.

Missed the party

No Name's picture

Will try to make this short.  I am out of town. DH got an invite to go to SD's house for a birthday dinner for one of the grandkids.  Invited we're DH, his toxic ex, her DH and her entire family.  DH decided not to go.  He has many valid reasons but mostly he just didn't want to be around the ex and her family.  He decided that we would instead take the birthday child out for a fun day when I return.  

O/T Update and Confusion

grannyd's picture

Hey, my dear friends on StepTalk, subsequent to my post of 14 February, I received the following e-mail from my abusive relative. I’ve changed the wording of our names to ‘grannyd’ and ‘Mr. grannyd’.


Hey grannyd,

I have struggled with the words to come up with this past week, I am truly sorry to you and Mr. grannyd for everything I said and did. I feel awful about it.

I've been following Billie Tarascio for several months. She is a divorce attorney, a divorced mom, and an SM..

Rags's picture

She has a couple of social media platforms.  I received this e-m today.  We, DW and I, came up with the tacics we used to confront and mitigate the toxic spermclan.  What we evolved to with the SpermClan is not dissimilar to what Billie references in the e-m below.
