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No Name's Blog

Should I remind DH

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After 21 years of sending birthday cards and gifts to skids and gskids and never getting a thank you and never ever receiving a card or gift from them, I quit.

I do want to mention that they would say "Thank you Daddy" and the majority of the time he didn't even know what I gave them.

Follow up to miss the party

No Name's picture

SD (Mother of birthday child) asked DH if he would like to go out to lunch today so that he could see the grandchildren.  Of course that would mean that he would be paying as always.  He suggested that SD and her children come to our house and he will prepare lunch.  She agreed so now he is out buying kid friendly food and birthday gifts.  My guess is that he will also buy a birthday cake.  

DH said last night that we always did separate birthdays with the skids and he will stand firm on not going to these little birthday parties at the home of SD's with BM and her family.

Missed the party part 2

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DH spoke to SD asking if we could take birthday grandchild out for a fun day and he was told NO.

SD said that he is family just the same as BM and he is to come to these family events with BM and her clan if he wants to see the grandkids.

He asked why BM can spend time with grandkids but he/we cannot.  There was no answer.  
So basically it is on their terms or not at all.

Missed the party

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Will try to make this short.  I am out of town. DH got an invite to go to SD's house for a birthday dinner for one of the grandkids.  Invited we're DH, his toxic ex, her DH and her entire family.  DH decided not to go.  He has many valid reasons but mostly he just didn't want to be around the ex and her family.  He decided that we would instead take the birthday child out for a fun day when I return.  

Steps have no compassion

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I had major surgery.  Steps were well aware.  They made no contact during this time.  Less than one week after my surgery my parent passed away.  Again, nothing from the steps, not even a text message.  I am so sad, all I do is cry over my loss.  In addition to my steps not reaching out, only one sister in law on my husband's side did.  This hurts so bad.  I am always there for everyone else.  What bothers me about my in laws is that they seem to remain loyal to my husbands ex.  We have no children together.  Would that have made a difference?  What do I do moving forward?

Texting The Ex

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Does anyone look at their spouses phone and their text messages?

I have not been on here in over a year and just realized that DH and I just had a huge fight over something that I blogged about over a year ago...him and his ex texting.

He had her blocked and today he unblocked her because she called him at work.  According to him she was concerned because he was not responding to her text messages.  Although he tells me "they" were concerned.  I said that makes no sense because you are responding to your adult children's text messages just not your ex wife.

BM and DH Texts, texts and more texts

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The texting always initiated by BM has been going on for months.  Even the therapist told DH to stop responding.  He has not.  If he doesn't respond oldest SD texts and wants to know why he hasn't responded. His phone is glued to him these days, never was before.  I can't sleep at night.  He wants to know what is wrong.  How many times can I possibly tell him to cut her out of our lives.  He responds that it will calm down after the upcoming wedding.  I notice that he is not telling me that it will stop.

Called DH’s bluff

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DH again says you should go to the dinner with me and support me.

I said when the skids begin to treat me with respect and are not rude to me then I will go.  I said besides they do not invite me.  
I asked if they included me in the invite knowing that they did not.

DH says he will call and ask if he can bring me.  I said OK, make the call.  DH says I will.  I said call now so I can hear.  Then he says well dinner is at 5:00 knowing that I work until 5 and SD is 2 hours away.

I am sick of doing this dance.


Here we go again

No Name's picture

Skids were invited for dinner at our house.  DH couldn't get an answer and we needed to go to the market.  While we are at the market he got a text that they weren't coming.

DH is so concerned about mending fences.  How are you supposed to do this when you graciously invite them for a meal and they can't be bothered.  
Well I guess the skids and BM came up with a plan.  They invited DH to one of their houses for dinner.  I am sure BM will be there and I am equally sure that I am not invited or welcome.
