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OT - Thankful Thursday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

It's been a hot minute since I did one of these. I hope PB will take time to consider all of the things for which she can be thankful.

I am extremely thankful for the StepTalk family.

Yes, I consider StepTalk to be a family. We laugh, support each other, tell hard truths with caring, and reach out to those who are scared or hurting. Reading all of the comments on PB's last blog, witnessing this family reach out... I'm not crying. You're crying. 


OT - Thankful Thursday

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Happy Winter Solstice, STalkers! Winter officially begins at 10:27 PM EST tonight. No white Christmas for this snow lover. The temperature on Christmas Eve will be almost 50° F. That's shorts weather! So much for that thick, fluffy sweater I'd planned to wear. A lightweight, long-sleeved shirt and Chucks without socks will be this Finn's holiday attire.

The holiday season can be a stressful and/or depressing time for some. Step hell can really add to the negative. It might be helpful to take a few minutes to think about the positives in your life. I am thankful for:

