Elea's Blog
You all may remember that the diablas26&28 left the USA to live in a foreign country for 3 months. OSDiabla and YSDiabla moved into an apartment together. It would be entertaining to be a fly on the wall watching those two fight it out in a shared space. Both are so self-centered, blame everyone else for all of their problems, take no personal responsiblity and are hell bent on everything being "fair." I am sure they labor and nit-pick over every little minute detail. Both are screamers and YSD is a biter and hitter.
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Ding Dong the Diablas 29&27 are Gone
Praise be sweet mother of god, the Sdiablas have offically left the country. They hung around our home on and off over the Summer and Fall "like a fart that lingers." Since they are both transcient I was afraid they'd be stinking, I mean staying, over the Winter and Spring as well. It is a big relief that they are far, far away for at least a little while.
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Diablas are 'a diabla-ing
Lord have mercy.
Had a wonderful day out with my DH, sightseeing and enjoyed dinner at a charming restaurant located on the water. Out of the blue DH asks me if I would like to go visit The Diablas.
As you all know, they are moving outside of the US (hallelujah) where they have rented an apartment. He says, "The Diablas will already know the lay of the land and can show us around."
In my own mind I am thinking, "Lololololol Whaaaaaaaat?" I kept my cool. This is to be expected. The Diablas are predictable, as is DH.
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Time to Celebrate - bye diablas
I am celebrating here on ST because as you all know, we can't talk about step-life elsewhere. I cannot believe our good fortune!
OSD28 told DH that she and YSD26 rented an apartment in a country outside of the USA!!! And they will living there "for several months." Hurray!
Dh waited a couple of days to tell me the good news. Why not keep your spouse updated right away? No matter. I measured my reaction carefully. I said something along the lines of "Oh really?" I asked DH how he feels about it and he said he is happy about it and thinks it will be good for them.
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'Tis a reason to celebrate this season
We had such a fun Christmas. DH got me the CREAMi ice cream maker that he saw on TV Lol. It is a very uncharacteristic gift from DH but he thought I would have fun with it and he is right. DH was super cute and he froze me a premade mix so that I could try out the CREAMi right away. I have since made two types of ice cream and both turned out to be good. It will be really fun to use in the summer. I am going to try some healthier recipes next like frozen greek yogurt, fruit sorbet, and protein ice cream.
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Sipping eggnog with nutmeg
(This was inspired by AlmostGone834's poem "The Grift That Stole Christmas")
Sipping eggnog with nutmeg
’Twas the night before, the night before, the night before Christmas and all through the house there is no sign of the Diablas it’s tranquilly quiet without the louse
Dh’s family is getting together for annual cheer. OSD responded to the group invitation that she and YSD sadly (boo hoo) won’t be here.
They’re stuck, a dull Christmas at the dreary, dank home of BM, making a sympathy grab hoping the rest of the family will feel sorry for them.
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Thankful to have my home back - for now
I just want to share a moment of relief that both SD's are finally gone. At least for now. I don't know how long this good fortune will last but I will take it.
(After T-giving BM also left our area to go back to the remote, out-of-state, dark and rainy hole she moved to a couple of years ago.)
There are rumblings that YSD26 may be moving to a city within driving distance of us for an internship. For the past couple of years she has been unable to find her "career job" after graduating from college.
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Ugh - Homemade Delicious Food
OSD28 just walked into the kitchen, started rummaging through our refrigerator and pantry area and took a BIG chunk of my homemade breastfast bars then started to walk away with it. DH called after her, "Those are homemade" to which she replied "It looks like it" and then closed the door.
Does she know she is getting under my skin? Lord have mercy, this one is going to be the death of me. I'm not saying anything to DH. No "thank-you," no, "They're so delicious I can't resist ... thank-you so much!" This woman child needs to leave!
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How it's going with SDiabla
I have had the unfortunate experience of getting a lot of exposure to OSD28 this week. She doesn't ask permission or engage in a dialog but rather makes announcements, demands and assumptions, assumptions which are frequently completely wrong.
She treats DH and I as peers and seems to have no understanding of authority or her role in the family or her role in life in general. She bulldozes her way through life like a bull in a china shop. She has a hyper chicken with her head cut off energy, especially when she is agitated, which is often.
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The plot thickens ... Update on SDiabla27
So, it turns out that the "double date" at the bar as one of you steptalkers named it, was actually DH & SD27 and SD's girl friend & the friend's Dad AND SD's friend's Step-Mother was at the bar too! SD's friend is a SD! So let's keep count. Now it is "quality time" with 1. DH 2. SD's friend 3. SD's friend's Dad and 4. SD's friend's SM and last but not least, the Diabla27. It is NOT quality time if Elea joins. LMAO
I think my poor DH may be having a mental breakdown. Yesterday he allowed SD to invite girl friend and girl friend's BF over to our house.
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