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Recent Blog Posts

When your kid forbids you from living in your hometown.

Rags's picture

We had a nice telephone visit/catch-up with the SKid a few days ago.  We covered a ton of topics in a casual banter filled conversation of nearly 2hrs.

We talked about just about everything.  One thing that he touched on briefly was that he did not want his mom and me to ever move to SpermLand and if something happened to me he would not let his mom go back even to live near her own family.  This was his position entirely and not at my behest.  Though I completely agree with him.

Nightmare Adult Stepson Living with Me

Skids_123's picture

My husband moved his adult son in with us full-time. I was told he was going to be pursuing a career/job etc. and that we were just temporarily helping him out on his journey. Instead, his son has been an absolute nightmare, doing nothing I was told he would do. At my insistence, he finally got a part-time job. However, he only works 15-20hrs per week MAXIMUM. Some weeks, he doesn't get called in at all.

Advice needed—shower or no shower.

SMto2's picture

Hey, all! It's been a while since I posted. Things remain where they were in that I'm pretty much disengaged with my adult SSs 30 and 29, and DH does all the gift-buying and coordinating gatherings, with dinner at a restaurant for birthdays (we pay for all) and Father's Day and Christmas Eve hosted at our lakehouse, where I try to do the minimum amount possible, realizing my own DSs are part of the mix and it's their holiday, too. This mainly applies to SS30, his wife, and 2 SGDs.

Just a little update

JustanotherSM17's picture

Well it's been about 2 weeks since the weekend from hell, well actually it was like a month long drama fest with SD and BM since Christmas. DH has not talked to SD15 since he sent her his last text saying he would not continue to go back and forth with her and hear her just blame him or me for basically everything . SD kept texting after that and she even accused me pretending to be DH and texting her because of course DH would never say such thing ! She really needs help, DH finally Had enough of years and years of horrible behavior.

Another Pet Escapes

thinkthrice's picture

More like runs for their life from one of Chef's ferals.  This time it is Pumpkinhead  OSD28 and his wife.   Indoor cat made a run for it.  Skids were always mean to animals and neglectful.   The Girhippo would give animals back to the shelter for jumping up on people at the drop of a hat.  Pet ownership was never taken seriously. 

SD26 had MANY  cats that ran away from her.  Frankly some people should NEVER have animals.   Chef's ferals should all be banned from having them. 

New Year off to a rough start ( kind of OT)

Little Type Amy's picture

Havent been as active on here during the last week. Reason being is that about a week ago, I received very sad news that the law firm I have enjoyed working with for 10 years is ceasing operations along with the senior partner retiring. His retirement is very much deserved, so question about that. But business has gotten lackluster and was more of a decision based on that too. I guess the WHY doesnt matter since the situation remains the same. I am still needing to have to line up another job soon, having to start over and lots of changes are coming fast in this realm of my life. 

Ahhh the land of fakebook relevance.

MissK03's picture


It is always fascinating to me the NEED BMs still think that they are relevant in people’s lives when it comes to social media. 


SOs friend’s sons birthday is today. His wife posted a happy birthday post wishing her kid a happy birthday. Said son and SD are 3 months apart. At one point back in time BM and SOs friends wife  were friends… makes sense… considering they also lived next door.. still do…

