CLove's Blog
Husband was laid off today...
We will be fine. He promised he would work on the house to make it beautiful (instead of hanging with his dudes?) and that he will liquidate and sell all the cars (6-7 I think, that I know about).
It was because his computer skills are low to nothing and his new job requires everything to be documented and videoed. He said he "tried really hard but it just wasnt something he was able to do".
The pay was fabulous, he had retirement accounts.
It is what it is. Will be looking at the bright side:
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Gossip Girl MUSt have been written by Stepparents
Im re-watching while I get through this yucky bug, and "for the fashion" of course. Theres a resurgence in interest in this series...everything old is new again, right?
Well, NOW I am noticing the step dynamics. Throughout the different seasons, as the characters age, and engage with bio parents, and "that other thing" with the billionair little boy lost and the almost-his-age-step mother. I noticed it mainly in season 5-6.
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Happy New Years and Resistance
Happy New Years Steptalkers. Mine was very dry and filled with what ifs. Quiet with a dash of Yellowstone.
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Riding the Unexpected Dragon
Good morning. Still a little sick with coughing, but no body aches and fever, so thats a blessing. Slept fitfully, until aboit 10 am. Half the day is gone.
"Dont stop believing" song by Journey is playing as I type this out. The sky is a hazy dreamy soft creamy gray where the sun is trying to emerge, and fog is hugging the hillsides in the distance.
Dec 24 Christmas eve. Not much news, calls to my younger brother about their plans to arrive Dec 25 and we should meet up, and we will play it "by ear" as to how Dad is doing.
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Hospital, Drs and coughing all the way
Greetings lovely Steptalkers,
This season I have just not had any Christmas Spirit and havent decor-ated still.
I caught a nasty cold Friday, my Dad went the emergency room Saturday, and now my brother decided to vacation in our lovely seaside resort exactly 15-27.
Things between us are strained. He simply has no use for me and doesnt really enjoy talking with me at all. No arguments have been had. Hes somewhat like that with my parents and it goes back a really long way. Nothing to do with me, just lots of bad things were said to my parents along the years.
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Happy Thanksgiving all Steptalkers
Even if you dont celebrate in your country, I am THANKFUL for YOU.
Startng tonight, off for the next two days and then the weekend.
Got started with a work review and a raise.
Ive got TWO Thanksgiving dinners, my family and then DH's considerably larger family. No purchase (which is good because the stores are CRAZY busy) no prep, just show up and eat and hang and leave.
Then a nice little dinner with a friend.
No plans other than to sleep in, and lounge.
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UnCuffed during Cuffing Season
Tis almost the season and in our parts, tis the beginning of cuffing season. Cuffing season not in relation to getting arrested, but rather that thing people do during the winter time - coupling up so you have someone to keep you warm on the darl cold nights, someone to bring to thanksgiving dinners, someone to share the holidays with and then MAYBE into the whole new years eve thing. Then after all that you might just want to be single again (lol). Explore those options once the weather brightens and lightens.
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$how me the Money$
Welll, after much thought and of course reading all the comments on my last post, I spoke with my parents on the issue as well. I even spoke with the neighbor gal. She thinks its pretty shady that the kids not working and not in (free) college. Her new take on things is maybe Toxic Troll is lying about SD18s age to keep her a minor so that she can keep that section 8 nezt by the beach.
Gathering my thoughts.
Husband and I had a BIG talk about the situation with SD18 Princess Powersulk Do Nada, Our lady of Inertia, goddess of Sloth.
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Ways to Irritate and other things to do when there's other things to do.
So, in my adventures of life post graduation and 18, Princess Powersulk Do Nada, Our Lady of Inertia, goddess of Sloth hasnt done that much differently. Im just expecting things to be different, but they arent. Except child support is no longer going out 'da house.
Ive tried everything I could think of:
1. Task delegation
2. Asking arrival departure times/days
3. Printing out "how to get your id" and higlighting with added sticky notes.
4. Fake crying "this is stressing me out! I cant handle the powersulking!"
We have a winner, chicken dinner
I wanted to share a few things.
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