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JustanotherSM17's Blog

Ignorance is bliss

JustanotherSM17's picture

And denial is right after.... this past Sunday we dropped by MIL house for a quick visit. I didn't really want to go but DH said that MiL had clothes for the kiddos and he had to pick up some mail that went there by mistake so I was like ok. His aunt was there and I enjoy her company so I figured it could not be too bad. So we get there and it's pretty chill.

I don’t want to jinx it..

JustanotherSM17's picture

But things have been really good since SD15 has decided to remove herself from our family and stopped coming for her visitations. I'm not sure if you recall but the last time SD15 came ( about 2 months ago ) she started drama every day that she was here, she talked back to DH, she lied to BM about DH and ultimately created a huge fight between BM and DH. After DH sent SD15 a text explaining to her why her behavior was wrong, hold her accountable for her lies SD basically sent a text back putting on the blame on DH and myself. She even said that DH was "stuck" with me because we have child.

MIL, master of guilt

JustanotherSM17's picture

So I have a up and down relationship with my MIL, sometimes I feel like she is jealous of me. It's weird. I can most of the time brush off her unwanted parent advise . You know only she can raise kids correctly.... but lately her little comments and her constantly comparing our kids ( DH and I have 3 kiddos together) to SD15 is beyond annoying!

DH caved some what to SD15

JustanotherSM17's picture

If you follow my blog you know ALL the drama SD15 and BM stirred up a Month ago . Since the confrontation and DH told SD everything has been peaceful here at home. SD never ever apologized or even tried to reach out to DH after she blamed him for everything and calling him ignorant. DH had not reached out to SD at all until today. I knew it was coming because we were meeting MIL and SIL for brunch and no matter how horrible SD behaves, they always make DH feel guilty .

Just a little update

JustanotherSM17's picture

Well it's been about 2 weeks since the weekend from hell, well actually it was like a month long drama fest with SD and BM since Christmas. DH has not talked to SD15 since he sent her his last text saying he would not continue to go back and forth with her and hear her just blame him or me for basically everything . SD kept texting after that and she even accused me pretending to be DH and texting her because of course DH would never say such thing ! She really needs help, DH finally Had enough of years and years of horrible behavior.

Back to being blamed by in laws

JustanotherSM17's picture

So of course, naturally when things go wrong with SD and DH, it is some how my fault! DH still has not replied to SD15 after she basically took no blame for completely starting chaos this weekend between DH, herself and BM. She has not apologized. Heck she didn't even acknowledged she has been lying to BM about what goes on in our house even when DH called her out on it. She kept texting him saying how he needs to changed and why can't he treat her better and how she is just trying to talk to her dad... this sounds like she is only saying that to maybe use in court later ????

Confrontation at the drop off

JustanotherSM17's picture

My stomach is so upset by the stress caused by both SD and BM! My god is has been horrible ! Between the outburst yesterday from SD15 getting upset because we won't put DD5 on the top and allow her to sleep in the bottom bunk I am just done! Today took the cake and today DH said that's enough! We went to MiL house for her birthday party . BM was already texting DH early for a pick up time .

Hell weekend OMG

JustanotherSM17's picture

It has been a while since we had one those weekends with SD 15 and she is back with her attitude and entitlement in full force to disrupt whatever little peace we had ! SD has not stayed the night here in months but when she did there was never an issue and she never had a attitude like today. I was actually enjoying her being around, yea not so much now! First last night, she stuffed some spare baby blanket I put in one the spare drawers I. DD5 already stuffed PJ drawer. SD has some drawers here but not because she likes to keep clothes here to wear here.

New year and already here we gooooo

JustanotherSM17's picture

So SD15 has told DH that she will be coming this weekend ( DH weekend to have her ) . The drive for DH if he leaves after rush hour traffic (after 5:30pm) is about 2 hours . Since BM has moved which has been about 4 years I think, DH has always met her around the same time which is can be a little late but the drive is a bit far . The earlier he has met BM was 7pm but with construction going on constantly he normally meets her around 8 .

It’s gonna be a great NYE update

JustanotherSM17's picture

So not a peep from BM or SD following DH talk with SD about all her drama, tantrum and disrespect she imposed the whole week of Christmas. Before Christmas BM was already asking DH " what are your NYE plans" ( SD likes attend SIL NYE party and will yet again use DH as a taxi) I already knew what BM was getting at even tho it was none of her business what our plans were. DH ignored her question and there has been zero talk of it. We are not going to SIL house for New Years Eve.
