MIL, master of guilt
So I have a up and down relationship with my MIL, sometimes I feel like she is jealous of me. It's weird. I can most of the time brush off her unwanted parent advise . You know only she can raise kids correctly.... but lately her little comments and her constantly comparing our kids ( DH and I have 3 kiddos together) to SD15 is beyond annoying! She is always saying that DD2 reminds her of SD allll the time, if DD does a certain face " oh she is just like SD, SD did that" I just have to roll my eyes to keep me from saying " DD is her own person " lately since SD15 and DH relationship is a bit rocky MIL has been caking on the guilt and constant comparisons. None of our kids can have their own moment with out MIL making a comment on SD. First at brunch when I was talking about spring break plans for us , MIL brings up SD " and have you heard from SD, where is SD" the lastest thing was today. DD2 had a father/daughter event at her school and DH sent me the most precious picture of him and DD together. I posted it on my facebook because it reminds me a lot of the close relationship I had with my father . My father passed away 13 years ago and it has been a struggle to cope with out him, over time it has gotten better but I cherish these little moments . So of course MIL had to take that moment and make it about SD. DH told me that MIL had texted DH about my post and made a comment about how DH use to be that way with SD and now he is distant and blah blah blah! It's like our children can never have a moment with their father without MIL turning it until something about SD! I'm sorry but for 8 years SD had her father to herself, of course they were close and SD was younger . Our children will never have moments like that because they share their dads attention and MIL has to steal with little spot light they get. It's like our children are young so of course they are close to their dad, they always want to be around their dad. Does she really expect SD who is 15 to be treated the same way DH treats our 2 year old ?!??' This is exactly why SD struggles with moving on and learning her place, because she has been fed for years that she is entitled to being an only child and should still be treated as thus. It angers me that DD2 can't even have a moment with her father without MIL running to guilt DH and trying to make him feel bad for attending a dang dad/daughter pizza night at her school. I recall seeing several photos of DH doing the same thing for SD when she was younger . I'm glad DH told MIL " my kids are young still, I was the same way with SD as well but she is older now and doesn't like the same treatment as I would give my kids who are under 9" like seriously go somewhere MIL , ugh I feel like telling her off I'm so upset .
- JustanotherSM17's blog
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MIL is going to MIL so tell
MIL is going to MIL so tell the hubby not to tell you what she says and when she does say something to you about it reply clearly w/ "this is about DD not SD" or "DD deserves to have her moments too" or even point blank "Stop comparing them please, we want all the children to have their own identities and moments"
i think your DH needs to be a
i think your DH needs to be a bit more mindful of what he shares with you. I mean, clearly MIL thinks that her son is not focused enough on his older child. You want him clearly focused on your children and your home.. and SD is expected to fit into that.. not that your home fits SD. I'm sure that SD does feel a bit out of joint because she did have her father to herself for so long.. and she is immature.. it's not that she wants to see the relative fairness that younger kids have his time now.. she had the time before. she is a young teen and self centric.. she is also being fed into this "daddy moved on with his new family".. by his mom, sister and her mother.
I would ask him to not repeat things.. It's not unusual for people to turn reflections in on themselves.. and it doesnt mean that your kids are not individuals when someone makes a relation comment to someone else.. "just like their dad when he was that age.. etc.." And.. the comments aren't being necessarily made to the kids themselves.. so your children are not really feeling that slight.. and honestly.. I think your MIL probably is not going to have the relationship wtih the younger kids due to the friction with you, dh and SD.
So, live your life and raise your kids to be happy in your home..... ignore the MIL.. you know she has a bias.. so it is what it is... you can minimize contact with her... exclude her from shares of facebook etc... if you want..
If you find MIL is treating or saying things to your kids that are unkind... then you can cut her off from contact.
Yea I'm going to ask DH to
Yea I'm going to ask DH to not share it with me because it's upsets me. He knows his mothers comments are annoying and unnecessary because he tells me. If it were my mom I would have no issues telling her " this is about DD and not SD" but maybe he doesn't feel comfortable telling her that. It's getting to the point where it's annoying and she says these things all the time in front of my kids or directly to them . I'm going to ask her to stop next time. I think that will create it's own separation when I do
Try to cut contact with your MIL
Delete her Facebook account and other social media accounts. Do not call her. Let DH handle her. SD is DH child ,,it's his responsibility to raise her. Guide her ect. When you married DH you knew he had SD. M and she will require time and energy.
This is a DH and MIL issue
This is a DH and MIL issue they need to figure out for themselves, unfortunately you and your children are just in the cross hairs of their toxic dynamic.
MIL has decided it her life’s mission to remind her son that he is a failure as a parent in her eyes by passive aggressively making a point to bring up SD in every conversation.
Your DH choses to either ignore or engage in her bullshit because at the core of it he does feel guilt and has been bullied in to believing he is the villain.
The reality is DH and SD’s relationship has been poisoned by outside sources that even the strongest of relationships would have a hard time surviving.
She is extremely passive
She is extremely passive aggressive. My biggest pet peeve in a person . But you are 100 percent correct
JustanotherSM17, I can
JustanotherSM17, I can relate to your disgust with your MIL’s behaviour since I was guilty of the same thing myself. My autistic nephew (Aspergers) developed a strong attachment to me, which is unusual for children on the spectrum. Because he insisted on visiting me, his mother brought him quite often and I saw him far more than my own grandchildren.
When my daughter arrived for a rare weekend with her 2 children, immediately after I’d spent a week with my nephew, I went on and on about my nephew’s recent successes in school and with his speech therapy. Finally, my daughter snapped and shouted that if I said one more damned thing about the nephew while ignoring my grandkids, she was leaving.
I truly did not realize what I’d been doing and how hurtful it must have been for my daughter and, probably, for the children. Having learned my lesson, the habitual yakking about my nephew screeched to a halt.
Hon, I think that your best course of action is to let your MIL know that (as Rags often insists) it’s your children’s turn to be little ones, deserving of their father’s time and attention, just as your SD had her turn when she was their ages. She also needs to be told that her obsessive comparisons between SD and your bios needs to stop; as you’ve stated, your children are their own people! Rather than do a slow burn over MIL’s compulsive conduct, it’s better to get the problem out in the open. If she’s offended, too damned bad! Maybe it’ll keep the hag away from your doorstep.
grannyD I love that after
grannyD I love that after your daughter pointing this out, rather than gaslight and defend your behavior you acknowledged it and took steps to change it!
Unfortunately.. I don't think
Unfortunately.. I don't think it's all "mindless" chatter for her MIL. MIL feels she has a legitimate axe to grind with how her SD is being treated by her father. .. yes.. there is some aspect of that.. but MIL truly feels that her DH has dropped the ball with his daughter.. and she is saying stuff like that to her son to push that point with him.
ESMOD, I believe this as well
ESMOD, I believe this as well. I think she knows what she is doing . My DH has gotten very upset with her before because of her many passive aggression and her comments about our children to him. She knows that these comments upset him ( not these comments in particular about SD) but she is aware that he gets upset with her unwarranted advise or side comments yet she still does it
Hmmmm... I'm beginning to
Hmmmm... I'm beginning to think that your MIL is no friend to your marriage nor does she seem to enjoy a good rapport with her son. Does she relate well to your 3 little ones? You might wish to encourage your DH to stand up to the woman and tell her to bug out of his family relationships.
Is your DH afraid of this mother? It looks like she has far too much influence on him and on her oldest granddaughter!
@granndyd I think you are
@granndyd I think you are right. She has never really supported our relationship or marriage. Maybe it's because I do not take any crap and I can give it right back to her which I have done in the past. She thinks I am trying to "steal " DH away from her and SD . When in reality we are just trying to love and support OUR family which I'm sorry but she is not a part of our core family circle . I think she feels threatened by me. I was a single parent ( like her) but I really excelled in my career and I am the bread winner in the family. She is from a different county and is not a citizen ( nothing against that, just pointing out facts) I got into plants and she got into plants, I got into living and eating healthy and now she has done the same. Like i said it's weird. I think DH picks his battles with her because he has gotten into arguments with her before because of her comments
Yes, I think this is the wise
Yes, I think this is the wise course of action. She needs to be told
So stop biting your tongue and start jerking a knot in MIL's
So stop biting your tongue and start jerking a knot in MIL's bladder control bloomers.
Tell her off and do it with clear consequences for her shit. SD has had her turn being a little kid. It is your kids's turn. Since SD is now a teen, it is also time for her to bear appropriate consequences for her crap and it is long bast time for MIL to learn the pain she has earned.
Really, you avoid confronting MIL's manipulative bullshit and with that avoidance you are facilitating her crap. Stop enabling her shit and start shutting her down. Call her out on her manipulation and give her clarity that if it happens again her relationship with you and your children is done. She needs ot invest in a relationship with your children that has zero to do with SD. Tell her that she mentions SD again at her own peril. Make sure her son, your DH, knows that his mother is on her last sliver of thin ice that will cost her any relationship with you or your children if she makes the mistake of violating the not one mention of SD mandate.
Be direct, be in her face, and take no prisoners. She has been holding your entire family hostage to SD your whole marriage. That has to end. MIL is either a calming influence with focus on your kids independent of anything to do with SD, or she has zero place. No middle ground. Make sure DH knows that you are done with his mommy making him her pawn and that you will no longer tolerate either her manipulative crap or his need to keep his balls in mommy's purse..
IMHO of course.
Take care of you and your kids.
Yea I agree
Yea I agree
definitely she needs to be told. I know the standard approach promoted on ST is let dad deal with his family which makes sense if there are only skids involved. But when it's your bio kids you have a duty to make sure they're treated fairly which means dealing with stuff as it happens. If it was me, I would address the SD pity party your MIL promotes, even including the crap she dumped on your DH. It’s gone on forever and it never changes. What do you have to lose?
Yea I am trying to limit the
Yea I am trying to limit the time we spend with her but I think it's about time some one put her in her place about this BS
I get making sure all the
I get making sure all the kids are included but that's not your MIL job to be Disneyland Grand Vigilante
Its yours and your husbands job
If she feels divorced guilt she can take the SD for one on one girls time but instead of spending time with her granddaughter Shed rather complain about how you/your husband spend time with her. Screams hypocrisy and poking your nose where it doesn't belong
Just let her know point blank "Look here Betty! You raised your kids how you saw fit ... NOW this is MY family and my husband and I will raise these kids how we see fit"
If she doesn't get the point after tell your husband that she will be blocked on everything until she learns to come correct.
My question to you is Why and
My question to you is Why and HOW does mil know so much about the goings on inside your life?
SD will usually reach out to
SD will usually reach out to either SIL or her cousin who is SIL daughter who is 21. She did that on x Christmas Eve when she created her drama then she called SIL crying and always only telling her side . Then SIL will tell MIL. The same thing happened the last time SD was here and she started to so much chaos. mIL sent a text the next day to DH saying " I hope you still keep in contact with your beautiful daughter " so I'm guessing SD yet again ran to SIL or maybe BM did, BM occasionally talks to SIL or MIL
Web cams and voice activated recorders.
Then there is no just her side. Feed MIL, SIL, and cuz the actual facts and not the bullshit SD spin.
Lather, rinse, repeat.