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IAmALady77's Blog

Need some parenting advice please :)

IAmALady77's picture

So this sort of piggybacks off my last blog entry.

The last few weeks, SD3 has been an absolute nightmare and traditional discipline is not working (we do timeouts). AND she only acts like this on the first day we have her. By the second day she has "re-programed" so to speak and is back to her normal behaving self.

Not sure what our next step should be (repost).

IAmALady77's picture

So I checked in about 3 months ago after being gone a month before that and things were going well for the most part with BM, SO was doing more parenting, I had stepped back because SD3 was becoming an obnoxious toddler and things were generally calm.

LMAO! *sigh, at least I had a few months calm right?? I'll start at the beginning:

Back again!! Could really use some advice from my old friends :) (repost)

IAmALady77's picture

So I checked in about 3 months ago after being gone a month before that and things were going well for the most part with BM, SO was doing more parenting, I had stepped back because SD3 was becoming an obnoxious toddler and things were generally calm.

LMAO! *sigh, at least I had a few months calm right?? I'll start at the beginning:

Took a month hiatus--I'm back!! lol :D

IAmALady77's picture

Just wanted to pop in and say hi Smile I've been "gone" for a minute lol, last I blogged I was going to have a girls night with BM and a few of my went well, BM has been an absolute peach for a while now, everything is smooth.

That being said, without the added stress of BM being batshit crazy all the time, I finally had a second to evaluate my life and exactly what it was that I was doing with it.

BM and I are apparently best friends now.....kinda longish

IAmALady77's picture

shocking, I know. And trust me I know that deep down she won't be able to keep this up for longer than a month or 2, but after almost 2 years of the constant battle with her, a fake friendship is better than nothing!

I've blogged before about how I have been trying my hardest to be friendly and how a month or so ago I got on the phone with her and let her have it. I told her everything that I always wanted to say and she did the same. Since then, she has done a complete 180 and it is honestly kind of freaking me out.

What exactly IS a single parent?? Opinions please :)

IAmALady77's picture

I'm just frustrated because even though BM and I are on good terms right now, it bugs the hell out of me that she still refers to herself as a single mom. Like on her FB today:

BM:What a frusturating day! My three year old likes to act 14 sometimes and thinks she doesn't have to listen. That's the only hard part about being a single parent, cuz I can't just walk away for ten minutes to calm down.

I understand, SD is going through a brat phase.

Thank you for the advice everyone, sorry to sound so pathetic and you all were right

IAmALady77's picture

I saw a lawyer today so I could get some idea of how this hearing is going to go. A dose of reality was exactly what I needed too.

I just have to come to terms with the fact that my mother is a piece of shit and will NEVER be held accountable for what she did to me and what she is still doing to my sisters. I told SO as much and he had a really good reply.

My psychotic mother appealed the PPO....scared shitless (long)

IAmALady77's picture

I blogged a couple weeks ago about how after years of abuse and harrassment from my mother, I have managed to stay off of her radar for the most part. (left home when I was 16...stayed hidden ect) Well, on Sept. 8 she showed up to my former place of employment looking for me and it was just bad luck that I happened to be there.

I hung out with BM today...yeah.

IAmALady77's picture

BM has been Facebook messaging me for the past couple of weeks in what I can only assume is an attempt to bond...I respond only because I am stupid and seem to still think I am responsible for keeping the peace...and everyones happiness.

Well, she has been messaging me about SD's Halloween costume, getting my input and asking for help on ideas. That's fine.

Need advice on Step Issues now: thanks for the support everyone :)

IAmALady77's picture

Trying not to focus too much on my mother but we do actually have a sort of BM issue that I could use some advice on.

And as a reminder, I do NOT agree with if SO is working during part of his parenting time, SD should be with BM because she would just be in daycare during that time anyway.
So if that is your opinion please do not comment because I do not agree.
