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IAmALady77's Blog

we're almost rich again! not really but still....

IAmALady77's picture

Got a letter in the mail today saying ALL arrears are PAID IN FULL. Plus the state sent a check since they took too much of his tax refund woo 400 bucks! I know its not much but I am so happy right now.

SO and I got our checks today (we work together, family business) and his check was over 100! soooooo happy hes usually bringing in 40 bucks a week because they were taking so much out of his check each week to pay the arreages from when he breifly switched jobs.


IAmALady77's picture

BM txts SO ALL day for the past 2 days begging him to take SD today and tomorrow while she is at work. Ok, no problem, hes been at work and busy with the kitchen so he finally got back to her yesterday and tells her yes, no problem he will take her today and tomorrow. BM usually just drops SD off at fmils house on her way to work and the fmil brings SD to our house on HER way to work at 8am. No big deal, its convienenent for everyone. WEll BM texts SO last night and says that she may or may not bring SD today because BM is not feeling well.

Tonight should be amusing...

IAmALady77's picture

Oh goodness! So lightheaded from the fumes! ( we are renovating our POS kitchen lol.) (did you know you can PAINT your COUNTERTOPS??!) woooo!

Anyway, We had SD all day and overnight last night, it was wonderful, we got up this morning and ran errands ALL day, and she was very surprisingly well behaved considering riding around in a car has got to be tough for a 2 year old! bleg!
