Tonight should be amusing...
Oh goodness! So lightheaded from the fumes! ( we are renovating our POS kitchen lol.) (did you know you can PAINT your COUNTERTOPS??!) woooo!
Anyway, We had SD all day and overnight last night, it was wonderful, we got up this morning and ran errands ALL day, and she was very surprisingly well behaved considering riding around in a car has got to be tough for a 2 year old! bleg!
Soooo, yesterday when SO went to pick up SD from BM, BM tells him, "you can keep her a little later tomorrow, I have to bury my sisters dog"...mmmkay so he asked her what time she wanted SD home then? She says AROUND 4:15. Which is NOT that much later since we usually bring her home by 4pm. soooo SO leaves here at 4:10 thinking if hes a little teesy late then its ok because BM said AROUND 4:15 right? nope. He gets there at 4:30 and she is FREAKING OUT. She tells him she was just about to call the police. Umm hello lady, even if you had said be there at exactly 4:15...which you said still couldnt call the police because he was only 15 mminutes late...freaking moron. BM was mad because they had plans to go bury her sisters dog and SO made her late. First of all, why are you bringing a 2 year old to see your sisters dead dog be put in the ground? wtf. And second of all, we thought that was what she was doing that she needed SO to watch SD for a little later to begin with?! She.Is.An.Idiot.
I wrote this situation on SO's list of shit to talk about tonight. As in they have their 3rd court ordered mediation meeting tonight, can't WAIT to see how this one goes.
- IAmALady77's blog
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She sounds like a ding dong,
She sounds like a ding dong, sorry!
But about your kitchen reno... what all are you doing besides painting the counters? I've been doing my kitchen, too, and think I am just done with everything, short of granite counters (which will have to wait until I save up some $$). I painted all the nasty golden oak cabinets, replaced the ugly fluorescent lighting, new appliances, new faucet, new laminate floor. Am I missing anything?
Did you paint your walls? new
Did you paint your walls? new trim? lol so much fun isn't it? (not haha) I dream of granite counter tops!
we did everything except replace the appliances
oh well another day another dollar!
we did counters, painted all the cabinatry (after weeks of scraping and sanding the old paint off) painted the walls, heavy duty washed the ceiling lol, replaced the light fixtures, new trim, tile instead of linoleum small kitchen so it wasnt too pricy) rewired some electrical things so we lights in these cubbys above our cabinets. Its nice, much needed cosmetic makeover
The appliances HAD to go!
The appliances HAD to go! 80's almond/yellowy colored stuff with flip numbers on the clock :o I didn't buy BRAND new, but found killer deals on almost new stuff on Craigslist. All Jenn-Air stainless, except the fridge since I had a working black Jenn-Air already. And yes, new wall paint and a whole new ceiling (had to after taking out the ugly fluorescent lighting, oh and putting in a stove exhaust). It's finally starting to look good. I'll take some pictures to share soon!
awesome! We can swap!
awesome! We can swap!
The fireplace! That's where
The fireplace! That's where I've moved my attentions now that the kitchen is done. I've been ripping out all of the ugly fake rocks
^ JEALOUS!!!!!
^ JEALOUS!!!!!
Why are people so weird about
Why are people so weird about their dogs? I know it's off topic, but I've always wondered that. I guess I don't get it, being a cat person.
lol its not even her dog, its
lol its not even her dog, its her SISTERS dog. Mind you, she IS living in her sisters basement but still...I love my puppy and would probably have a little funeral for her if and when she dies but I dont think I would bring a 2 year old just too sad
She sounds NUTS. I feel for
She sounds NUTS. I feel for ya.
well mediation was a JOKE as
well mediation was a JOKE as always, BM goes in and complains about non existant things, lies through her teeth surprise suprise. Does anyone know if SOs lawyer can subpeona the mediator as a witness for when we take her back to court? She is an idiot
omg I would have laughed,
omg I would have laughed, what a DA.
UGGGGHHHHHH just found out BM
UGGGGHHHHHH just found out BM called CPS on us because We have "trash" in our yard. To be clear, we dropped the garbage because it was so expensive. We were going to call and set up a different company to take care of our trash from now on but then we started renovating the kitchen. SOOOOOOOO we decided to wait until after the renovations and just make a huge dump run. Which is in like a week for f**cks sake. Oh and she told cps that we had mouse poop on our kitchen. SHE IS A FUCKING MORON. I dare ANYONE to renovate a crappy kitchen in an old house and NOT find mouse poop SOMEWHERE. Jesus H. Christ. I am effing pissed.
Its maybe 10 contractor bags
Its maybe 10 contractor bags full. And its not even out in the yard its on the side of the garage which TECHNICALLY is the yard but who gives a hoot?! we're in the country and we're taking care of it! So ridiculous. I know CPS isnt going to do anything its just annoying really? I can not WAIT for the invvestigator to come through our homes again (since BM moved and shes been complaining about the "safety" here again) REally BM?! really? They're gonna see our super CLEAN beautiful newly renovated POOP free kitchen, they are going to see how SD has her own beautiful little girls room with anything she could eveer want or need, they're going to see how all around well rounded and perfectly safe our home is and you're gonna look like a moron because YOUR DAUGHTER fell down the stairs at your sisters know, the stairs to her BASEMENT...that you LIVE in. bitch.
sorry has to rant for a minute.