Need help wording proposal to BM, remember she is crazy and its all about her....
So mediation was a joke, 4 hours of absolute nonsense in which neither SO or BM realized that the mediator is just there to make sure they don't kill each other, the mediator was NOT a referee, they have NOTHING to do with the court process, can not make reccomendations, ect.
Anyway, they tentatively agreed to a new schedule that SO came up with (its the dumbest schedule I've ever seen, and why BM would agree to this since its SOOOO confusing and way more inconvenenent than our current schedule...but anyway..)
The NEW schedule would be the same every month rather than staggering every week on the 2-4-2-4 schedule.
The first week of the month SO will have SD Sunday and Monday
The second week he will have her tuesday/wed/thur
the third week he will have her tuesday/wed
the 4th week he will have her thurs/fri/sat
which brings us to the first week of the next month where he would have her sun/mon, so there is one chunk of the month where he will have SD for a 5 day period.
He thinks he is a genius for coming up with this.
I told him yes, that was smart to get her to agree (in writing) to something that shows that she is willing to be seperated from SD for 5 days (that was her only argument against 50/50 was because she didn't want to be seperated that long, and SO pushed the fact that twice a month she would have her all to herself for 7 days at a time)
but it was STUPID to come up with this assbackwards schedule, and NO JUDGE is going to agree with it.
I mapped out/color coded the next 6 months on a calander and SURPRISE!! BM would be missing EVERY major holiday this year, and they are all smack in the middle of our visitations so the holiday schedule they have been using would not work AT ALL unless SO wants to give up his days.
So I had SO email her (after MUCH fighting last night) and tell her that it wasn't fair that she would miss the holidays and also after mapping it out for 6 moonths he realizes that she would have SD most weekends...only to realize she had already emailed HIM saying this:
BM: I think we may have to revise the schedule. I realize you're only going to have her on your days off once a month. I really think you need to have her when you're not working. Plus I realize I would have her most weekends, which isn't a super big deal. So I'm going to draw up some more ideas.
What did I tell you SO??!! The ONLY reason she wants to lower his parenting time to every other weekend was because she wants more weekend time off more regularly and her BF has HIS kids every other weekend so she is trying to sync up the schedules so they can have kid free weekends. HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SD.
Then this morning she comes up with SO should take SD EVERY SUNDAY/MONDAY and EVERY OTHER SATURDAY. Because those are his "days off" (not always, which she knows). And its more "consistant".
Yes, consistancy is fine, but I'm sorry he is looking for a new job, those are not going to be his days off forever and I am not willing to have SD EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY/MONDAY. SO and I like to spend time together too, which maybe happens once a month with our current schedule, it will happen NEVER if we take her every weekend like that.
I think the fact that she already agreed to a 5 day chunk is a big thing....what would you guys propose? We're already at 2-4-2-4, I don't think it would be that huge of a leap to go to an even 3 days on 3 days off.
- IAmALady77's blog
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This is what I do with my
This is what I do with my exH. It is just under 60/40.
Every Mon/Tues they are with me
Every Thursday they are with him
We do every other weekends Fri after school - Monday drop at school
Depending on whose weekend it is, the OTHER parent gets the kids on Wed.
For example, this week I have the kids Mon, Tues, take them to school Wed morning, and then pick them up fri after school and keep them till mon.
Next week will be his weekend, so I will have them through Thursday morning, he'll have them thurs night through the weekend. And we both can have extended weekends alone or with the kids.
The longest one parent (he) goes without seeing the kids is 5 days.
That sounds like a good one,
That sounds like a good one, would you be willing to color block one month so I can visually see it and send me a picture? Or maybe explain it VERY slowly
I think it'd look something
I think it'd look something like this (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Week 1(MT)[WT](FSS)
Week 2(MTW)[TFSS]
Week 3(MT)[WT](FSS)
Week 4(MTW)[TFSS]
Rinse, repeat?
thanks love I'll have to
thanks love
I'll have to color it out, I am a very visual person lol
Yes. that's it.
Yes. that's it.
Honestly, this all sounds
Honestly, this all sounds crazy complicated and confusing. She wouldn't go for week on week off if you gave her Wednesday in the middle of your week?
At first it does seem
At first it does seem complicated, but it's pretty simple and the kids even get it. (mostly)
Always with Mom: mon, tues
Always with Dad, Thurs
take turns on weekends
take turns with Wed (whoever doesn't have the weekend)
We used to end the weekends on Sunday nights, but exH didn't like cutting the weekends short and sending them home to me, so now on his weekends, he keeps the kids sunday nights and we through the wed night in there to make up the time.
NO KIDDING. This all started
This all started back in January, she took him to a referee hearing in MARCH to get it lowered to every other weekend, the ref disagreed, she fought back, tried to take him to court so they ended up in mediation yesterday instead.
I am trying to keep them out of court while making sure they are BOTH happy. The schedule that SO came up with is assinine, GREAT that he got her to "agree" to a 5 day chunk once a month, but she has made it VERY clear that she will "NEVER" "give him" 50/50 unless a judge makes her.
I don't think she is smart enough to realize 3 on/ 3 off is 50/50.
Some people will think I'm being selfish for not agreeing to the every sun/mon as a "weekend" plus every other saturday but I'm sorry I'm not willing to give up ALL of mine and SO's free time, and it's not really a step in the right direction in my opinion.