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BM turning over a new leaf? or WTF is going on??

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SO got it in his head that because BM has been a relatively normal human being lately, that he would try to talk things through with her before scheduling the mediation.

So he call her today:

SO: So, I thought that maybe since we are getting along lately and we are both adults, I feel we can both speak face to face and have a civil conversation regarding parenting time without having to be supervised.

BM: I agree. I actually have an offer to make you.

Petulant Toddler Stage: Please help!

IAmALady77's picture

SD2 1/2 is driving me insane today! She was up at 6am, has been screaming NO! to everything. You ask her to do something (or not to do something) and she just stands there and stares at you. WTF.

She has always been so sweet and while annoying at times, shes never made me want to smack her on the behind as much as I want to today.

OMG. THAT was weird...waiting for the police?

IAmALady77's picture

So, SO had SD today from noon till around 3:30 because BM had a job interview. I was out all day running errands so I wasn't here when BM dropped SD off but I WAS here when she came and picked her up.

Keep in mind that I have NEVER actually spoken to this girl other than in court when she was getting a ppo on me and twice via text. NEVER.Even in court I didn't even talk to her I talked to the judge.

Our answering machine message on our home phone LOL

IAmALady77's picture

SO won, we sat down and wrote out little scripts lol and this is what he came up with:

(Just SO's voice because after trying a few times I decided I sound like a 2 year old on recordings and it lost the effect lol)

SO: Hi! You've reached SO and Lady, we're sorry we can't come to the phone right now but the good news is- WE'RE PREGNANT! (second pause) with anticipation for you to leave us a message! If you're calling to register for a Yoga class leave your name blahblahblah typical message (end).

Could use some creative minds!

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SO and my cell phones have been off for the past couple of weeks because having cellular devices just isn't that high up on our list of bills that may or may not get paid this month Dirol We are totally ok with that, if BM needs to get ahold of him she can call the bar or FMIL or email. In case of an emergency (not that she ever notifys SO of these anyway) SO WILL find out promptly.

BMs logic: how does this work?

IAmALady77's picture

Well, BM went and got herself a new boyfriend. The third one in 2 years, last one she was "engaged" to and he wanted to "adopt" SD lol. I wonder how long it will be before she moves in with this one and fills his head with lies about SO so he gets the urge to "save" SD too? :sick:

THIS one however, just like the last one, has 2 daughters. HIS daughters are 6 and 7 years old which means he had them when he was 20 and 21....OKAY.
