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IAmALady77's Blog

Today I will just laugh it off...

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Because getting irritated at BM's lack of parenting in any way is stressful and quite frankly I just don't have it in me to be much more than amused today Dirol

BMs facebook status: To all the stuck up prudes in the (private) meijer, when my two year old is throwing a fit because she has to ride in the cart don't look at me as if I'm a bad parent. Don't tell me your kids never threw fits when they were two. Take your heads out of your asses. Thank you.

Looking for Steptalkers in Wisconsin

IAmALady77's picture

Hello everyone, so complicated story, my friends BIL lives in WI and his ex is married to a convicted pedophile.

So generic question here: Do you have a reccomendation for a good lawyer/PI and what would you suggest doing in this situation and I am not familiar with WI law.

He has custody of theier daughter she has custody of the son and the son is refusing to see him ectect....

CLEARLY the fact that she is married to a convicted peophile is not enough for him to get full custody of both children so any suggestions WI'ers?

I literally just LOL'd...there is no possible way anyone can be this stupid.

IAmALady77's picture

OMG, and the insanity continues....

SO this morning: SD is awake now, you said last night you were picking her up early this morning so whats the plan?

SO(several hours later after no response): ok well we're just finishing up lunch now and then she is taking her nap so we'll just see you at 4 then.

BM: well whenever I ask you to take her early you just assume I don't want her so yeah I'll come get her since you don't want to spend time with your fucking daughter.

I missed my show and I am MAD....effing nonsense

IAmALady77's picture

So currently in my time zone is 10:13 pm (i've noticed the time stamps on the blogs are somewhat off but whatever)....

SO went and picked up SD at 5 because tonight is our overnight..then he gets the text from BM about baths and responsibility (see previous blogs)...whatever.

We ate dinner, SD played outside for a bit, she came in, BATH TIME (as always), she played in her room, she did really well at dinner so SO gave her a bedtime treat, she watched some spongebob...then bedtime at 9pm.

Well, GAME OF THRONES starts at 9 and THAT IS MY SHOW.

what are some good responses...

IAmALady77's picture

that will make it seem like SO is still openly trying to communicate with BM while also making her look like an asshole?

TODAYS joyous conversation:

BM: I need you to give SD a bath tonight unless that's too much responsibility for you then I can just do it tomorrow.

SO: She always gets a bath when I have her overnight, it is part of our bedtime routine.

BM: WHY?! your not supposed to do that!


This woman........

Suspicion part2...someone please tell me that a year of bullshit has made me paranoid...

IAmALady77's picture

SO wakes up this morning to texts from BM saying

"why is SD biting and pinching people?"
"She started doing this Monday after being at your house and now shes doing it again."
"she thinks its funny and its not!!"
"why aren't you ansering me??!"

SO texts her back and tells her SD never does that and he has never seen that behavior before.

How about, she is a toddler and is probably just being weird like toddlers sometimes do?

And no, I have never seen her do anything like that or be aggressive in any way.

She is acting suspicious....

IAmALady77's picture

So if you all recall the text escapades a few days ago where BM tells SO that "he has to start taking SD fridays instead of Wednesdays because he fucked with her and this is what he gets" and the text saying

It's not worth her time to drive to Bk halfway so SO has to pick up SD from her house from now on and drop off too, and she doesnt have the gas to drive to our house to try to talk? WELLLLL....

Oh we'll "never beat you" eh?

IAmALady77's picture

So the past 2 days have been mildly hell dealing with the constant texts from BM with her verbal abuse.
I THOUGHT that we had decided to get in contact with our lawyer and proceed with taking her to court yet again to try for 50/50.

Well, FMIL calls SO last night and convinced him to just go through a referee first because apparently 9 times out of 10 if the referee is on your side, then eventually the judge will be too because judges are apt to agree with a referee ect ect...
well that is NOT the story I got.
