strugglingSM's Blog
Freedom! Won’t be seeing SSs for over a month!
One benefit of both BM and MIL being completely self-centered and inconsiderate is that SSs will not be back at our home until July 31st. First, BM scheduled her vacation over DH's weekend without telling him...she still hasn't told him they won't be coming to our house, just put the dates on OFW (this was after making a big stink earlier in the year about how she always reviews OFW and schedules around DH's weekend, when she wanted DH to take her weekend). Then MIL insisted upon taking SSs on a two week vacation to Kentucky? Ohio? New York?
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BM asks the same question for the millionth time
Visitation weekend is near and what does that mean? BM will be contacting DH, yet again, to switch pick up and drop off with DH. She usually has some excuse about the need to work late, saying something "terrible" and last minute has come up and it will be really difficult to convince "her boss" to let her leave before a certain time on Friday evening (um, she's the boss at work...she's a partner, she doesn't report to anyone). DH replies and says, "it's fine for the kids to come later." She replies and says, "but it won't be until 11pm" or something like that.
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Three years left - the countdown begins
As of today, we now have three years...36 months...left of CS. Yes, DH will likely have to pay some postsecondary support, but in our state, it appears as though that will be limited to covering educational expenses and can be paid directly to whatever institution SSs might attend. I'm betting that neither will actually attend anywhere because they don't really like school and without money flowing directly to her, BM will not have an incentive. According to state law, other child support appears to be advisory, not mandatory.
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The whataboutism of a BM
And so it that BM has a new boyfriend she has begun her manipulations to change visitation times. It started with her just changing all the dates that she entered into the OFW calendar without notifying DH and then telling him they agreed to follow that calendar (they didn't) and that those dates had been on the calendar for over a year (they were added on October 23rd according to OFW).
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Mind Blown - BM has a new man
DH told me last night that Skids told him that BM is "dating" someone new...someone they have already met, even though the ink is barely dry on her filing for divorce from husband #2 and the divorce is months from being final. Now it all makes sense as to why she was offering up Monday as an extra day for Skids to stay at our house, since today is Valentine's Day.
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Secrets in Stepland
I said something to DH about how BM was getting divorced (confirmed by looking her up in the state court system). He replied that he noticed several months ago that her car was the only one at the house and she parked it in the middle of the driveway. Neither skid has said anything to DH about it. These are the same kids who tell BM what they had for lunch at our house (one of them literally tells her things like this), yet they don't tell DH that their stepdad and stepbrother moved out?
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Trouble in Paradise?
It appears as though BM is getting divorced. We haven't gotten official word and probably never will, but her DH has apparently moved out. I thought something was up when the kids showed us the family Christmas portraits and he was not in them. Also, BM changed her name back to DH's last name on social media. It had been her DH's last name (although she never legally changed it to his last name).
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Already switching teachers to avoid failure
For the fifth year in a row, SS has switched classes to avoid "mean" teachers and bad grades.
SS just passed the first progress report for the year. He had an F in special ed English and a D in math. Surprise, surprise - this week, he has new teachers for both of those classes. Ironically, he is now in class with the math teacher who has given his brother a D, so I'm sure his grade won't be much better. But now, both he and BM can feel better.
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Officially a wicked stepmother
I have officially become a wicked stepmother. One of my SSs spends every visitation with us complaining that we don't spend enough money on him. BM has also told him how much CS DH pays and he has decided that his father doesn't pay enough. In our state, CS is determined by income and not only did BM hide some of her income on the last calculation, but DH also agreed to pay more than he was legally required because he wanted to switch holidays. I officially hate this child. He is a teen and he is always stirring the pot on behalf of BM.
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Raccoon under the bed
This weekend, DH took SSs out to the family cabin for their weekend. I have stopped going for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I need a break from being a stepmother.
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