strugglingSM's Blog
Family Court madness continues
So, today, DH's lawyer sends him a message from BM's attorney demanding we provide financial info within 30 days and threatening action if we don't.
We still have not received any financial information from BM and DH's lawyer sent her request on May 23rd. And no indication in the lawyer's message about whether that information is forthcoming.
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Family Court just loves HCBMs
BM filed a "modification petition" for CS and postsecondary support in April. DH didn't receive notice of it until May. The petition did not include any financial information (as required by law) or any specifics on what SSs plan to do now that they've graduated from high school. Under our state's law, DH had 20 days to respond or he would be "defaulted" and essentially the court could order him to pay whatever BM requested (or would guess what his income was and demand he pay that). So, we got DH a lawyer who responded in that timeframe and requested financial documents.
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Miracle of miracles...Skids are graduating
A miracle has happend and both Skids appear to be set to graduate from HS this week. BM filed some (incomplete) legal paperwork to continue CS payments and force DH to pay for undisclosed college costs, but she has not responded to DH's lawyer's requests for all of her financial documents (and information on what actual colleges Skids plan to go to).
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And now MIL gets involved in DH paying for college
To update my previous blog, DH replied to BM (via OFW) that he has not been working and cannot contribute to college costs right now. He said if his employment situation changes he can determine a contribution. He pointed out to BM that he never said he would continue to pay CS or take out a loan for SKid. He said if Skid took out a loan and his employment situation improved, he could help pay the loan back.
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BM Rewriting History....again
So, wonder of wonders, SS got into college. He really shouldn't have, because he took remedial English freshman and sophomore years and you are not supposed to be able to enroll in a 4 year state school in our state if you did not take "college prep" English for four years, but maybe his school lied. He's taking "public speaking" as his English requirement this year. He is taking one academic class this year - business math (basically the second half of Algebra 2) - which he got a C- (likely a generously rounded up C-) last semester and currently has a D in.
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Why is DH always "surprised"?
We are in the home stretch with SSs. It seems as if both will graduate in June and we will be done with CS. BM has been pushing both of them to go to "school". One wants to go into a trade and DH (who works in a trade) could get him into a paid apprenticeship program, but BM is pushing him to consider "trade school", which would require tuition and would not provide paid on-the-job learning and would lead to him earning a lower rung credential. The other SS insists he is going to college and is telling everyone now that he is going to "flight school".
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Someone's not paying attention - $650 in school fees and fines
SS owes $650 in school fees. That includes $200 in school lunches purchased, but not paid for (why they keep letting him "buy" lunch, I don't know), $60 in parking tickets, $120 for a "lost textbook" from the 8th grade (he's a high school senior) and two lost chromebooks (one from freshman year and one from junior year). He also hasn't paid the very minor fee ($45) required to play sports ever although he's been allowed to play sports for the past three years.
Stepson creeping around
My stepsons are months from turning 18. One no longer comes around because he has a job and a girlfriend. All fine with DH, who now talks to him on the phone fairly regularly. The other one comes around, but barely interacts with DH. He will either sit on the couch and watch loud videos on his phone or sit in his room. The weird thing is that when he sits in his room, he always keeps the door open. I know he knows how to close it, because he always closes it when he leaves the house or when he goes to bed.
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It's a grading miracle!
Semester grades have finally been released for SSs.
One SS had a D first quarter and a D plus second quarter in English, but his semester grade (the one that goes on the transcript) is miraculously a C+. The note says "assignments - 67%, grade adjusted due to modified course expectations."
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BM refuses to help SS with bank account
SS will be 17 in a couple of months. He's been working for six months. Apparently, in all that time, BM has refused to help him get a bank account. Apparently, she requires that he give his check to her and she cashes it and then gives him the money. His employer would like to do direct deposit, so SS has texted DH asking if he can help him get a bank account. My first instinct is that DH should not get involved, but really, what could BM say, "how dare you help SS get a bank account!" They have joint legal custody, so she wouldn't have an argument there.
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