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List the reasons your sd's won't be coming to live with you.

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Dirol Just for fun-I honestly dont' think bf has any intention of this but he does say it on ocassion probably out of guilt. He knows bm won't give up CS nor definately pay him either. BUT I do know that teenage girls/moms can be HELL to eachother and I find it likely that sd at some point will want to come 'stay with dad' and what if he wants to cave out of guilt or because bm says 'your turn sucker'.

O/T -how to start organizing my paperwork

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OK, i have a confession I am probably one of the worlds worst disorganized women when it comes to paperwork. It is EVERYWHERE- and that's with me signing up for paperless as much as I can.

My mom is giving me her big filing cabinet so I can put stuff there-but there are papers on the microwave, drawers, bags, boxes, smaller filing boxes.

I just don't know where to get started-It's overwhelming. I want to gather every single last piece of paper and light a match to it (oh and the messy game room also lol).

The Descendants-spousal status

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I knew once i saw previews of him having two daughters i may roll my eyes at the movie lol.

Has anyone seen it? Overall it's a touching film w/out TOO much tears and some funny parts thrown in.

I couldn't help but wonder -and ALMOST said out loud-I pity the fool that marrys that man after the wife dies lol.

I could just envision the pain and anguish she would endure.

BEcause of the situation of the odler daughter telling him about comatose moms affair-he immediately turns to her for comfort and her as a confidant/partner with him.

The top 3 'hot button' issues for the step-board

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Ok at risk of losing it and smashing the screen everytime I see these trolls names on the board lol-I must ask if anybody else has noticed the same thing.

There are 3 things that seem to generate a plethora of answers/debate/arguing. Normally coming from people that dont' understand the concept of 'one happy family' really doens't exist in a step-situation and then the accusations start flying and judgment. Hundreds of angry posts follow:

1. Photographs-anything related to photos, include skids, not, just couple, just the family, on and's insane

Chances of a big career jump

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I've been with my company a long time, worked in all kinds of different departments. About 3 years ago I had a decent position and got displaced because of yet another re-organization.

In order to stay employed I took a job well beneath my qualifications and paygrade as an admin assistant but did not take a pay CUT luckily. I figured I could work my way back in quick-and pretty much I did. W/in a year I was promoted/raise and just 2 months ago received another promotion and raise.

Effect of whoring for skids/kids

overit2's picture

Ok, I have a question for those here that have bm's that sleep around and introduce kids to these people
I'm making the distinction because I personally believe (and have myself) bm's/single ANYONE has the right to date/sleep with as many partners as they want and IMO that should NOT be judged.

What SHOULD be judged is if you are introducing these people to your children and swapping like ice-cream flavors. It really gets to me.

Why God hates divorce...

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Ok so the funny in me-(AND yes I am religious also) was thinking, maybe the reason God taught against divorce PARTICULARLY to men in the Bible....was because he knew what stepHELL meant lol?

I mean I think it IS damaging regardless to seperate a union that is supposed to be for life-but it's more the AFTER effect and STEPHELL that comes later that is the bigger issue it seems?

Girl question OT

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Ok, so lately here things are just weird for me. Let me start by saying my mom hit menopause early/mid 40's.
I've been having weirder cycles/hot flashes on ocassion and irregular spotting between periods-a week before period -when pms sets in- i have night sweats also. Anyways, the obgyn nurse said it could be pre-menopause and that it can last for years-so anybody else in that boat or has been can help?

Sometimes I wish bf would heed my advice, not just listen, agree and NOT do a damn thing!

overit2's picture

YOu know, he tells me that he agrees with my advice most of the time but then he doesn't do it my way because 'insert stupid reason' when it comes to sd and discipline, etc.

I keep trying to tell him that this crap him and bm do about putting sd in the middle of scheduling visitation and stuff HAS to stop. Not only does she learn to believe she's in control of it-it adds to the adult spousal status, she learns to manipulate to get her way...above ALL of this it just not fair to her because its TOO MUCH DAMN PRESSURE for a CHILD to handle.

TOTALLY off topic!! which wallet would you choose?

overit2's picture

Ok, so I've had this Bebe gift card of $50 my sil gave me years ago, still haven't used it -it's still valid.

SO, I can't really shop there, I'm too fat for that store lol

BUT I really dont' have a nice wallet, mine is totally torn and they had two cute ones I if you had to choose between these two which would you
