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overit2's Blog

When is it over vs a bad patch?

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I"m wondering what people here use as a measuring tool whether a relationship is just a bad patch or entirely over? Lets take the 'step' situation as only ONE part of this-not the entirety. Yesterday we were both able to calmly talk to eachother about 'big things' that are getting in the way for both of us and it was actually nice to talk to eachother and show our fears. I think a big mistake for us is that in a way we've acted like a married couple though we are not-and it took so much of the fun of dating out of our relationship.

Fb snooping

overit2's picture

Well sd pissedme off apparently set up a fb account for my youngest who isn't allowed one, and logged me out of fb on my phone and signed herself in!!! Darn why the heck is her issue with boundaries!!! Lol so I decided to reduce to that level and haven't signed her out but can see all messages from stalker boys she just kissed and her momma f b page bitching how her girlfriend has been out for hrs with a friend and She is freaking out about her cheating lol payback is a bitch!! I'll log her out when I get bored I guess,

SD free Christmas, my dad was just rude, his family great

overit2's picture

What a whirlind of crazy!!! I offered to make two dishes for each family. Luckily dinner times were a little different so we went over to his parents first, them, bf and I, my bio sons and his brother/wife/child. We had a great time!! Kids love going there, his parents are really good to them, bf and brother were on porch w/kids teaching them to shoot their new bb guns-we just seem to fit well with them.

Stupid bm bitch!! Pick up ur damn unbearable mini me!!

overit2's picture

Wth?! That piece of shit has more excuses then anyone !! Sd been with bf since last fri am!!! Supposedly her mom keeps changing plans to see her this week or the wknd which is her damn wknd!! I had to put up with her ass a bit on sun then again yesterday!! Now supposedly one of her lover dike family passed and calls to say she has to go to funeral!! Of course noe that means sd will be there till Xmas am or who know ls maybe till past new years!!! God stupid bf get ur damn balls back and drOp the snott off fuck the excuses!!! I'm so pissed at him!

Evenng with SD-ok but not so much

overit2's picture

Well so most you know i've become quite disengaged. This week sd is with bf and when not w/him w/his parents.

Yesterday evening I graciously invited them to eat dinner with us-since she's been there Friday we've only had one evening together which went very well.

So, bf comes over alone and i'm like where's sd? He states she wanted to go w/his parents to his brothers house to play w/her cousin i assume-she likes little kids (prolly because she can boss them lol) fine.

Disengaging...from my own dad ughhh

overit2's picture

This is just another random vent....let me just say that though my dad and I have always had a very good relationship, I'm deeply troubled at some of his choices in life when it comes to those he ministers to.

We had a big hoopla going on this last time they were out of town with a member of his church that was housesitting...and my dad upon return has done NOTHING to address the issue or have my back.

So do you force visitation?

overit2's picture

This is a question about my bios and their dad...some of you know from old blogs the issues with my ex.
In a nutshell for years he has tried the minimum involvement, time, financial supprot towards his kids. Every few months the topic comes up from my kids who don't want to go to their dads anymore and are quite adamant. Now at ages 10 and 12 I'm still enforcing they go...but at what age do you allow them to decide?

OH glorious disengagement!!! I feel like I have my life back, AND my bf, and my peace!!!

overit2's picture

I'm just amazed at how this works. More and more I'm feelign free to discuss my position, in that I will continue disengaged because it's the only thing to work, and work it does! I've also told him how I feel and see her as BM's child, not his child and that it IS quite common for women to see things like this-especially if the dad is NCP.
