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overit2's Blog

Good steps for bf against mini-wife syndrome! :)

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I saw some good steps yesterday from bf since we decided to work on things harder, (read my previous blog). Overall things went ok for us, kids played good together, was fun, nothing too crazy.

Couple of things happened that I observed-YES he still tries to feed her every 1hr and lots of food (don't know that' just odd, like do you want her to get fat? LOL)

One one ocassion a couple days ago she came over and flopped on him-he quickly told her to move to another chair or go back and play w/the boys.
(Good one bf!)

Change of heart and direction moving forward

overit2's picture

Well, last Friday we talked long and hard, I told him I was unhappy in the relatinoship...pretty much broke up with him. Told him i couldn't be with someone who refuses to get his life together and that he's in this relationship with one foot in one foot out-waiting for me to make a move on that.

Forget psychiatrists!!!!

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Psychiatrists vs. Bartenders


'I've got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there's somebody under it. I'm scared. I think I'm going crazy.'

'Just put yourself in my hands for one year,' said the shrink. 'Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears..'

'How much do you charge?'

'Eighty dollars per visit,' replied the doctor.

'I'll sleep on it,' I said.

Did you elope? with or without kids/skids?

overit2's picture

Just curious how many people eloped here....and if you both had kids were one/both sets in attendance or not, just the two of you? what ages were the kids, were they a little bummed not to be included? How did your family take it?

The more we sometimes talk about the future and 'if we get married one day'...the more eloping is sound like the best option-but it would likely be at a beach, I still want a pretty dress, some fresh flowers, he wants just us. I'm sure there are other ways to include your children -engagement party, do an after party for close friends/family.

I may just cancel exh darn ticket...I'll be THAT EX

overit2's picture

God this man is a trip!!! He asked me for a pass (I work for an airline) to go see his parents (and fiance he's never met) ...his dad is ill but not on death bed (they live in another country) I've asked him countless times since he doesn't go often to wait till the kids are off from school and take them with him so they can meet and spend time w/his family. He keeps saying how much he wants to take them over and over, but every time you somehow can't take them?

Karma IS a BITCH!!! BM gets it back - ahhhhh AND someone told her what we've wanted to say.

overit2's picture

}:) She was cheated on!! You might remember i mentioned no boundaries sd signed up my son for a fb account (he's too young), and then added herself and my ffil to the friend request (this is how I found out). And THEN I go to MY phone, and she had signed me out, signer HERSELF in. SO pissed as I was I decided to leave her signed in Smile At least can do some snooping because "knowledge is power".
