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Anyone from NY area-need some suggestions for a day trip.

overit2's picture

In midst of all this craziness-thinking of maybe just getting up an taking the kids on a day trip to NY this cost to fly and weather seems will be good.

SO with that said-which places would you recommend for being there around 5-6hrs? Cost from LGA to Manhattan in cab or which way to get there?

Vent about the NCP deadbeat...

overit2's picture

Ok-so see my exh has this history since we've been divorced of thinking HE can control my schedule/plans and have me constantly hanging by not giving a determined yes/no, time/date of plans with kids. For YEARS it's been up in the air whether he will see them, whether it will be Fri or Sat, whther it will be 10am or 12 noon or 6pm on Sat. He never does take the 2-4 weeks of summer he's "granted"...nor any other spring break/winter holiday, etc..on ocassion he'll keep them an extra day if a holiday falls on Monday.

Dang people-do NOT get in a relationship with a married, recently seperated, recently divorced man or woman

overit2's picture

Pretty much-title says it all..I keep reading DAILY on this board this phenomenon-do you not know that NOTHING good can come from a rebound relationship, a relationship built in dishonesty, cheating or even a realtionship that hasn't had time to heal after the divorce.

Ladies, be careful out there! Car jacking just happened

overit2's picture

I'm not a gloom/doom gal but ladies, watch your surroundings everywhere!! This morning my boss's wife was carjacked at a target w/her young daughter. She escaped through the other side w/her child unharmed and the guy took off w/the car. It was very scary...he's not back still. We had another one last night also-times are tough and crime increases. PLEASE stay aware of your surroundings at all times, be extra vigilant. I know these things happen but plain daylight at a target parking lot and it's not a very bad area either.

In what ways did Stemonster help you?

overit2's picture

I'm currently reading this book and it's been great so far. But even though the preface/intro talks about how she worked it out and has a happy home now-the whole book has an undertone if you may----of negativity. Or maybe it's because we're reading ugly feelings of women that mimic our own and it doesn't feel good.

It's also been a relief to know the bad/ugly feelings we barely speak of exist for other women also.

One week and counting. Everything goes to hell when she's around.

overit2's picture

So-this is week one of SD two week stay w/her dad. I'm trying to ensure they aren't over visiting us all the time. I was off Thu/Fri. Saw them a bit Thursday evening. Friday I took my kids to an amusement park-never told bf I was going until I was there Smile Had a great day and then later that evening they came over-by now we're at no sex since Sunday (when he foudn out she was coming to be w/him the next day)...we are both testy w/eachother.
