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Bonusfamilies Question

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Has anyone here ever used the anonymous suggestion option on What type of reaction did you get, if any? Did it help at all or make things worse? I am thinking about sending the link BM's way but I have this sinking feeling that it would just make things worse. Does anyone have any feedback on this?

Walking Contradiction

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During visitation days I am bombarded with emails warning me to stay away from her son, but when she needs to know if he's taken his medicine, had anything to eat, when he's coming home, etc. who does she ask? Me. She tells me that she hates me and wants me out of her and her son's life forever, yet she emails me constantly when I have no contact with her whatsoever. A few months ago she told me that she wouldn't do something because it would cause problems between me and my BF, yet any other day our relationship harmony doesn't seem to bear much weight on her mind.

No visitation again this week...

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Last time SS couldn't come on visitation because he was sick. BF said that when he talked to SS on the phone he really sounded genuinely sick, so I thought nothing of it. BM agreed to let him come extra to make up for it. This time, however, BF drove all the way out to get him and when he got there SS told him he didn't want to come. We received no phone call, no email, no message whatsoever to call before he went out there. When he came back without his son he tried to be positive but I could tell he was crushed.

Little nitpicky things, then little good things

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Why does she even call if she doesn't have anything to say? She's called twice this morning already. I didn't pick up the phone, and she didn't leave a message. We've received no emails from her either. Why even call? She obviously didn't have anything important to say or she would have left a message or sent it through email.

Apparently I'm pregnant again! News to me!

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Biomom is so ridiculous. Every few months we'll get an email saying something like "Congratulations, I hear you two are expecting!" or "When's the baby due?" from her. According to her I've supposedly been pregnant about 5 or 6 times in the past few years. I really find this type of behavior pathetic. The really, really sad thing is that she believes it, too. She makes these crazy things up in her head and believes them to be true until we prove that she's wrong.

Haven't blogged in a while, small update.

Nymh's picture

Sorry I've been absent for a few days. It feels like there's so much to read now since I've been gone. This website has become so popular!

Anyway, I had a dream last night that SS, BF and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie, and SS leaned over and gave me a kiss and told me he loved me. I was so happy! I gave him a hug and a kiss and told him I loved him back. Then he gave me a mother's day card that was really sweet and I was so shocked. When I opened it up I could tell that it was biomom's handwriting inside and I was confused about that.

Help! How to approach the subject of MARRIAGE!?

Nymh's picture

We have been talking about getting married for quite some time. Lately it seems to be coming up a lot more, and I get the feeling that it's going to become "official" pretty soon...I'm so excited! I know that this is the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love him, I love his son, and I have come to terms with the idea of having the EX in the picture. Even though she's psycho and will probably never accept me!

Should I tell her?

Nymh's picture

BF, SS, and I had another of our talks the other day, again at biomom's request. She's developed a habit of calling 3 or 4 times each day SS is with us. She didn't used to call as much but recently it's almost every few hours. One particular time she was on the phone with SS for quite some time encouraging him to have a talk with us. We heard her coaching SS on what to say to us because we had her on speakerphone. She told him to tell me that he didn't like me and didn't want me to be a part of his life.

He's not your husband anymore!

Nymh's picture

Grrr this frustrates me to no end! Am I crazy or when two people get divorced aren't they supposed to stop referring to each other as husband and wife? Every time biomom refers to my bf, she calls him her husband, hubby, etc. She refers to herself as his wife. You are divorced! He's not your husband anymore! What is WITH this woman? It's sick to still refer to him as your husband when you've been divorced for a long time now. If he had died I could understand...but he didn't die, he LEFT YOU! You're not his wife anymore!

Blah blah blah...

Nymh's picture

Well, you all know that bf had that conversation with SS. Biomom had been urging (my nice way of saying bitching endlessly until it gets done) bf to have this conversation for weeks. When the conversation didn't go the way she had planned (i.e.
