Nymh's Blog
Off to court again
We got ANOTHER court summons the other day. BM has accused BF of phone harrassment on a day that he had SS. I'm actually excited about it because it's a chance for us to show the court system how ridiculous BM is and how far out of her way she goes to try to get us into trouble. On the day in question, she sent me 3 emails that morning before BF left demanding that he call her NOW in regards to SS. I let him know, and he called her before he left to go get him. When he got her on the phone, he asked what she wanted.
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So proud of my BF!
BF was dropping SS off after visitation this weekend. BM has a habit of opening the door of the vehicle to help unload SS's stuff, but just standing there inside the door and talking to BF instead so that he can't pull away because he'd hit her with the vehicle or the door. So she's going on and on, and eventually she tells him that her laptop is broken again. She said it in a way that was evident to BF she wanted him to fix it. He said, "Considering the last time I worked on your laptop I was brought to court and accused of hacking it, I don't know what to tell you." Her jaw dropped!
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First night over and no trainwrecks yet!
SS did get to come yesterday to spend the weekend with us and amazingly we haven't had any disasters yet. BM has yet to email me except to say that she is available on her cell if we or SS need her. If she has called SS yet I haven't known of it. She actually sent a toothbrush and toothpaste with him this time (he didn't even have one at all last time he came). The toothpaste was a little sample that it looks like BM dug out of a drawer somewhere because it was caked in gooey pastey crap and they made me clean it off before they would use it.
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Another overnight visit coming up - cross your fingers!
The last overnight visit a couple of weeks ago was cancelled. Supposedly BM's plans fell through and SS said he didn't want to come see his Dad. Well, he didn't have a problem coming to see him on his normal visitation day or staying an extra two hours...but anyway. I am going to try to schedule a lot of time during the days for me to work on my house so that BF and SS can have some alone-time together. We'll see how BM takes this.
"Eye for an eye" or "turn the other cheek"?
I was just wondering, what the general philosophy should be in your opinion when it comes to problems with spiteful exes. Should we take an eye for an eye, or turn the other cheek? There are some days that I would LOVE to take BM to court over a fraction of the things that she's done just like she's doing to us, but then I feel like that may only hurt things and we should just sit back and let her ruin her reputation and spend all of her money on court costs and attorney fees. That's just one example but I'm sure you guys can come up with dozens more. What do you think?
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Stupid Me
So I told you that BM contacted me with ligitimate discussion topics and I spoke to her. Well, during that conversation she asked if I would be OK making my Myspace public again, and she would do the same, so as to hopefully alleviate some of the trust issues between us and hopefully the reduced tension would trickle down and ultimately make things easier on SS. I gave thought to the idea, made all of my blogs private so that she couldn't read them, and made my Myspace public.
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I guess I did the wrong thing.
EDIT:Fixing the italics...
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Hahaha, funny stuff!
So, remember over Christmas visitation, when BM spent so much time emailing us and calling us that we could barely have a good time together? Well, this offended BF's mother so much that she decided to give BM's mother a call. So BF's mother called BM's mother and let her know exactly what was going on and that BM needed to back off and realize what she's doing.
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BM has a date! Thank God!
My prayers have been answered...BM asked us to babysit SS next weekend because she's going on a date! This is her first date since the divorce. Is it weird for me to be so thankful? LOL
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We got the court summons today...
I'd like a little backup on this...I'm not really all that upset, partially because I knew it was coming, but I'm still uneasy about it. BM has been asking me for weeks if we've gotten any "paperwork" in the mail...I don't know why she does that. I guess she just wants to hear for herself from us that she's screwed us yet again...like a sick, masochistic pleasure thing. But at any rate, what she was eagerly anticipating finally came to us today - the subpoena for a hearing over BF's contempt of court due to back child support.
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