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Off to court again

Nymh's picture

We got ANOTHER court summons the other day. BM has accused BF of phone harrassment on a day that he had SS. I'm actually excited about it because it's a chance for us to show the court system how ridiculous BM is and how far out of her way she goes to try to get us into trouble. On the day in question, she sent me 3 emails that morning before BF left demanding that he call her NOW in regards to SS. I let him know, and he called her before he left to go get him. When he got her on the phone, he asked what she wanted. "Nothing." This ticked him off, and he asked her what she meant by nothing because apparently it was important enough for her to send me a bunch of demanding emails within ten minutes of each other. "I need a 24/7 contact number for YOU." He told her that no, she didn't, that both of their lawyers and the judge had told her otherwise and there's nothing saying that he had to give her his cellphone number. She then got pissed and hung up on him. He called back and was told "Don't call again or I'm calling the police." This worried him and he was confused as to whether she was going to let him get SS being in the mood that she was, so he called back to check on SS and make sure everything was still OK and that he was OK with the crazy mood she was in. She didn't answer, so he went to go get SS.

When SS was here, she called us about 5 or 6 times (I don't have the log right in front of me). The first one was to bi#$% at SS for turning off his cellphone. She was on speakerphone. During this call, she told SS "You don't need to turn off your phone. It needs to stay on at all times. I don't want to have to talk to your sorry son of a bitch father." She continued to call us every hour or so while we had SS. Then, after SS got home that night, we got a call which was from him, he was crying and BM could be heard in the background fussing at him to keep talking, say it, say what I told you... He said things like "The lies are going to stop, Dad," "Mom knows what you are up to," "Mom knew Nymh was with us today," etc. When he tried to talk to SS and make sure he was ok, she yanked the phone out of his hand or took herself off of mute and told BF not to call ever again or she'd call the police.

Well, apparently she DID call the police and decided to press charges. This was also the same day that was the subject of the rediculous bull$%#% letter we got from her attorney stating that he had called her "40 or 50 times" that day, that no one calls anyone that much in a month, it was clearly harrassment, BM was trying to avoid court, blah blah blah.

We've kept such good records, ESPECIALLY of that particular day, because we just KNEW something like this was going to happen. I'm a little nervous but mostly excited because now we can finally show people her true colors. BF's attorney and his aides are having a heyday with all of our documentation. I wonder what will come of this day, or what the possible outcomes would be. His attorney is planning on pushing out the court date just to piss BM off, but I really would like it to happen soon so that I can know what the ruling is!


Anne 8102's picture

If she's anything like my skids' BM, she'll probably drop it at the last minute. We've been through this a thousand times, where she makes all these false allegations, claims to have "documentation" to back it up when we know she couldn't possibly have it, because we DO have the documentation and know she's lying. Eventually, our lawyer talks to her lawyer, shows her lawyer the evidence is more against her than for her and her lawyer convinces her it's a waste of time and money. Then, after months of hell, she drops it and the case gets dismissed before a judge even hears it. Did your attorney file a counterclaim in response to her claim? I'm just wondering, because if a counterclaim was filed, it would still be heard regardless of whether or not her claim ever gets heard. I know how frustrating this can be... I wish you guys all the best!

~ Anne ~