Nymh's Blog
Hmm, what could this be about?
This evening when we got home, there was a card stuck in our door. It was from Child Protective Services, and had a note on the back to please call them on their cell. I wonder what this is all about? Do you think BM sent CPS out to our home? We called and left the agent a message but she hasn't called back yet.
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Great, BF's restraining order has expired...
BM sent BF an email (marked "Confidential") to let him know that the RO has expired. So guess what she does? She says "SS tells me that you seem sad and lonely and he thinks you want to come back home and be a family. If you want to that's fine but it can't be temporary - it has to be permanent. SS doesn't deserve to have his feelings played with like that."
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Our weekend with SS coming to a close
I just wanted to post a short blog summarizing the weekend. We exercised our right to take SS out of town whether BM liked it or not. Twice. She REALLY didn't like it, but has been informed that she can't do anything about it. Our parenting plan only states that we have to give her an itinerary if we're going out of state with SS - it doesn't even require her permission, just her knowledge.
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Anne asked, and ye shall receive
Anne asked for an update on someone else's blog where I had responded. I began to type one out, then realized that it was so long I'd best just post a blog of my own. So, without further ado -
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How court went
First of all - Hooray! Everything went so well! Ok, now I'll let you know what happened.
So my attorney was there to meet me bright and early in the morning. BF said that every time he has gone to court with BM, they have sat in the 'pews' and waited through everyone else's cases until theirs was finally heard. Today, we were the first people in there - and the only people in there at the time. I was relieved that no one was in there to listen to her air her dirty laundry.
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Going to court with BM tomorrow - wish me luck (please!)
I'm nervous. I talked to my lawyer tonight. He left a message with BF for me to call him. When I did, the first words out of his mouth were "How are you?" And he asked it sincerely. That really made me feel better.
He is so geared up and ready to do whatever it takes to get BM to make a fool of herself. He invited BF to come with us. He's going to call her to the stand first. He's going to bring up old things that she's still pissed about. He's hoping to piss her off so much that she just goes off.
BM is GONE and took SS with her
BF was supposed to pick SS up for visitation this evening. When he got to BM's house, he found a note taped to the door. It said "Mom doesn't know where I am. I've been told by several people NOT to let SS come with you due to the highlighted section." This was written on the back of her copy of my restraining order. She had highlighted the part where no one was to contact me for her or give me messages for her. SO she's gone. When we got home, we found a message on the answering machine from SS.
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My letter to DCS
Or DCFS/CPS/whatever your state calls it. As you may have read, BF called DCS last week to report the living conditions that SS faces at home, as well as the neglect and suspected abuse that BM subjects him to. The other day, we received a letter in the mail with their response. I won't post the content of the letter here (mostly because I don't have it in front of me), but suffice to say that it was disheartening, degrading, and left us with a bad taste in our mouth. We were told by our lawyer to expect as much but it still came as a slap in the face to see it in writing.
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So happy! Also kind of worried about something...
BM was served with my restraining order today! Woohoo! BF was there when she got it because it was served to her in court. Boy was she pissed! She was already pissed, of course. She always is. She tried, yet again, to use this court date as an opportunity for her to bitch about everything she hates about BF, me, and everyone. And, again, she was told that none of that really mattered. Right there in front of everyone she said "Well I'll just deny him visitation then and he'll never see SS." Everyone in the room froze and looked at her. I can't believe she could be so stupid.
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Here's the song I sing in my head while trying to ignore the bull around me...
LOL I'm sure you all know what I mean by THAT! Hehe...So BF met with his divorce attorney today and played her the tape of the messages that BM had left on our answering machine. Attorney told BF that as much as she hates to say it, BF is going to have to stop avoiding talking to BM in an effort to take some of the stress off of SS. Right now, BM is starving for attention and an answer to her questions. When BF won't take her calls or return her messages or emails, and I have completely cut myself off from her for months, the only person she has to turn to is SS.