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This weekend's drama

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SS is on fall break, and as such is supposed to spend 5 days with BF. BM, of course, doesn’t want this to happen, so she lied to BF and told him that SS is not on fall break. Well of course BF found out otherwise, and on Saturday night he called her to figure out when she wanted him to bring SS back now that he knew she was lying (he strategically planned waiting until he already had SS in his care so that she couldn't freak out and run with him when BF revealed he knew she was lying).

Ha ha ha

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BF's lawyer called him over to their office today. "You DO owe BM money..." she said. BM has been submitting her EOB's from the insurance company to the lawyers and saying that BF owes her half of that amount (the amount that INSURANCE paid, when her out of pocket expense is next to nothing), which came out to about $1000. So BF's lawyer went through everything she had and found out how much BM really did pay out of pocket so we would know the real amount that BF owed BM. Guess how much BF owes?


Has anyone else had the "throwing away the soiled underwear" fight?

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A couple of weekends ago, SS, BF and I were out walking in the woods, when all of a sudden SS got really sick to his stomach. He passed a little gas and thought he was fine. But then all of a sudden he was hiding behind a tree ashamed - you can guess what happened. So we rushed him to a bathroom and BF got him out of his soiled clothes while I ran to the car to get his bag of clean clothes. BF did what I thought anyone would do - he threw the soiled underwear away.

Well HOW DARE HIM! We got an email from BM:

Bat out of hell and DCS investigation update

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I have been going with BF to pick ups and drop offs of SS, to offer a level-head in case things get bad, and so that if necessary I can call the cops while he drives or run the video camera. Due to the restraining order that BM and I have against each other, I wait at the end of her road (at least 1/2 mile away from her house) for him to go there and come back to get me. This, according to her, is "too close for comfort" and a violation of the restraining order (does anyone else agree with her or is it obvious she's just BSing?).

Wish us luck...

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Tonight we're supposed to get SS again. You guys probably all remember what happened last time - BM held him hostage for hours until the deputy finally convinced her to bring SS to us the next morning. BF said she's already called him five times today and she seems pissed off at the entire world and taking it out on him and SS. So I'm anticipating another round of bulls$%^ like we had last week. BF is afraid that BM will have fled with SS and won't even be there.

What happens if BM loses her job?

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Lately BM has been really flaking out at work. They suspended her for 3 days without pay - which in my experience is pretty serious business. She's afraid she will lose her job. She already doesn't have enough money to make ends meet even though she makes more than BF and I combined on her own, and has BF's CS check monthly on top of that (though in order to explain why she's always so broke, she blames it all on him). My question is, if she loses her job..what happens to SS? Will he stay with her, and us have to pay her more to make up the difference? Or will he move in with us?

She's holding SS hostage

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I know I just posted today but I wanted to let you all know that BM is trying to deny BF visitation again. He waited for an hour at her house for her to let him come but all she would let SS do is go out to the car and tell BF that he didn't feel good. BF and SS haven't gotten to see each other in a month, and now she won't let SS come. BF said the poor guy looked so heartbroken (and not at all sick). BM stood in the door glaring down at him the entire time.

First update in a long time.

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Yes, I am still alive - BM hasn't kicked me off the face of the planet yet! Smile I just wanted to write a short entry and update you guys on what's going on in our world. Things have been rather quiet since we blocked all of BM's numbers from being able to call us. We left SS's cell # unblocked and informed her that she could call BF from his phone if she ever needed to speak to BF.

Worse and worse (long)

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Yesterday was probably the worst day we've had so far (it seems like I say that a lot). BF has had enough of BM's incessant calling and decided to block her phone numbers from his business line. BM, of course, went ballistic. She decided that she was going to come up here and try to con BF into letting her "take SS out to lunch". BF said absolutely not, you're not taking him anywhere because I know that you won't be bringing him back.
