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This weekend's drama

Nymh's picture

SS is on fall break, and as such is supposed to spend 5 days with BF. BM, of course, doesn’t want this to happen, so she lied to BF and told him that SS is not on fall break. Well of course BF found out otherwise, and on Saturday night he called her to figure out when she wanted him to bring SS back now that he knew she was lying (he strategically planned waiting until he already had SS in his care so that she couldn't freak out and run with him when BF revealed he knew she was lying). She, of course, started screaming incoherently and cussing and said that he would NOT get SS for extra time and that if he did not bring him back on Sunday night like a normal visitation she would call the police and report him for kidnapping. At my urging, BF called the sheriff’s department in both our counties (she lives in a different county from us) and told them what was going on. Imagine our surprise (not) that they had just gotten off the phone with BM! She told them that BF was in a psychotic rage and was going to kidnap her son and take him out of the state. BF told them what was really happening, and the police officer was like “wow she’s a crazy ****!” The police officer called BM to try to talk some sense into her. Well, then her story all of a sudden SS had a doctor’s appointment on Monday that SHE had to bring him to. Of course this had never come up before. Well to avoid more trouble, BF just decided to take SS home Sunday night and try to convince her to let him have SS again this coming weekend to make up for the time she stole from him. He dropped me off at a store down the road so I could shop while he took SS up to her house. Every time BF is in her presence she’s automatically in fight mode and just goes off on him. “I don’t want that tramp in MY county” “You better not bring her to this county or I’ll take her back to court for contempt” “Where’s all the money you owe me” “This is all her fault because she broke up our marriage and she has what’s coming to her” blah blah blah. BF told her to get over her anger and grow up because she’s only angry about the past and she’s making SS miserable. He asked her where this doctor appointment was that she HAD to bring SS to. It’s in our town! BF asked her why in the world she caused such a huge stink when it would have been much easier on EVERYONE if BF had just taken SS to the doctor! Of course being so pissed off and irrational, she couldn’t form a cohesive answer and just started yelling again about how much of a deadbeat he is and all the money he "owes her". In the divorce they split the marital debt 50/50. Well now since she's so broke she's trying to cash in on that and says that all $16,000 of the debt that he took on in the divorce is due to HER. WTF? The only way I could see that as true is if she had gone and paid off 100% of the marital debt herself and wanted reimbursement for half. Otherwise, he owes the COMPANIES that they're in debt to that money, not HER! BF drove off, and remember how BM chased us halfway home two weeks ago? BF said that BM had SS loaded up in the car before he was even out of the driveway. You know it must feel nice for a kid to come home to his mother after being gone all weekend and the first thing out of her mouth is “was that tramp with you?” Not even so much as an “I missed you, did you have a good weekend?” Oh it just makes me so mad thinking about it! After he picked me up and we were on our way back through town to go home, we saw her passing us and taking a picture of us out the window of her car! So I guess now every time BF drops SS off, BM’s going to stalk us to build her case that I’m breaking my own restraining order!


OldTimer's picture

I'm soo sorry. I feel for you.

Can you install a pin cam to the rear view and front view of your car? He hehee... I'm only thinking, well geeh, maybe it's time to start waving frantically at her while she takes a picture! LMAO

You know, all you really need to do is pay some kid to sneak up to BM's car and let the air out... than she can't follow you! Wink

The only other thing, that really sucks too, is not go with BF, or do as we did, we took separate cars. In fact, I often left earlier than DH so that I could park and be there before either one of them did, and get a good bird's eye view because I had to video tape her because of the accusations she would use. They always have to park in the same spot. But that was also a time that BM didn't know what my car looked like too. So, if you can, drove separate cars, park somewhere where you can see the road (you know far enough way from BM's house). Start rolling with your camera and wait to see if BM pulls out. Or follow him at a distance, and video tape BM's frantic driving so you can report her for reckless driving, etc.? Or see if you can have a friend follow you to do this for a few visits. We did have DH's brother help us with video tape a few times when we had to be somewhere, and we just 'hooked' up with BIL at a later time in the week.

Or, you could just invest in one of those potato launchers, and pop one at her when she's driving by...

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Chocoholic's picture

I'm sorry to hear that this woman cannot seem to get over the past and learn to move on for the sake of her own child.
Your poor SS... He is the only one she is hurting.... (assuming you don't go home and cry your eyes out over her name calling)... Shes making herself look like trash to her child. Does she honestly think that you care what she thinks of you?? But I bet her son cares when she is more consumed with you than with him... its a pity.

By the way Step Mom, I LOVE the potato launcher idea!

Another suggestion is for you to bring your own camera and snap pics of her stalking you.... DH's ex sent her sister to take pictures of us during an exchange and we whipped out our camera and began snapping away too! Immature? YES... but it got the point accross and really pissed them off too!

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned"

Colorado Girl's picture

the police are seeing her true colors and hopefully that will help. Goodness, I'm sorry that this woman can not just move on. She needs some serious help. Obsess much? My BM isn't over things either, but at least she's subtle.

Next time, you should moon her - they can't identify you by your bum now can they?

Nymh's picture

Is there a record of calls made to the police station/sheriff's dept? If so they've probably got dozens from her in both counties...that in itself would help build a case against her tremendously I'd think.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Colorado Girl's picture

My ex-husband is a police/ambulance dispatcher. BM always calls the police. I had my ex look up her address when BM called the cops on me to say I "threatened" her. (I wasn't even there when her and DH were arguing) Her and her boyfriend had called them 7 times in the past 6 months. All domestic. I would think that it would help in proving that she falls into the "always cries wolf" category.

Nymh's picture

Luckily most of the situation has been immortalized in writing either on here or in my own personal journal writings. I think I will compile it all when things are more calm and make a book out of it.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*