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Nymh's Blog

Things are looking ugly

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Visitation was yesterday for the first time in three weeks and BM went WAAAY too far. She sent me 25 emails all ranging from "SS hates you and doesn't want to be around you", "If you are around my son at all today I will get a restraining order on you", "You have a phone at home so you better learn to use it", "SS will NOT be going out of town", to "Do you like your hair short?" She sent BF 8 or so emails, but the worst of them came at night after SS was dropped back off.

Parenting Plan Success!

Nymh's picture

I am so happy to report that the mediation went very well (for us)! BF came out of it getting everything that he had asked for. He told me about how BM conducted herself during the meeting and we both have been laughing about it for two days. Apparently she went into this thinking that she could convince the mediator that BF doesn't deserve to be around his son. She tried to bring up the phone harrassment lawsuit and her bogus claims that BF has threatened to kill both herself and their son.

How many of you smoke?

Nymh's picture

I know this is a little off-topic (depending on how you look at it) but how many people here smoke? I quit several years ago and my BF hates cigarettes. He would probably leave me if I started smoking again. But lately, I've been having dreams of smoking cigarettes. I look enviously upon people I see smoking. I crave it all day, every day. This has always been a problem for me since I quit but lately I just can't stop thinking about lighting up...

*rolls eyes* This is really starting to get old...

Nymh's picture

Last weekend when BF went to get SS, there were some cousins visiting and BM said she wanted SS to stay home and play with them. (My thought on this was that the cousins live very close and there's no reason to miss a visitation to see people you live within 20 miles of when you only get 16 hours a month with your father...but I let that one slide). BF agreed and that was when they had the conversation I talked about in my last blog entry.

So f**ing fed up and frustrated over this bulls***!

Nymh's picture

I was going to just reply to my other post, but I want to write a new post for this one. BF emailed her back, willing to work with her on some things but unwilling to give away others - like holidays, for example. He also told her that as we live together and I pose no threat to SS's well being that I would not be forced away from visitation. Then there was the fact that the child support would be adjusted accordingly to what it should be given that he has SS 26 days a year now and with the proposed parenting plan he'd be getting 80+ which is a big differendce.

Update on parenting plan modifications

Nymh's picture

BM has screwed her head back on and had a decent adult conversation with BF when he was attempting to pick SS up for visitation (which to my suprise didn't happen like it was supposed to, but she's giving us an extra full weekend to make up for it so I'm not that upset...I just wish she had called to inform us of this BEFORE BF made the 45 minute drive to her house...but you can't win them all) about the parenting plan.

Parenting plan changes, funny phone calls and restraining orders oh my!

Nymh's picture

This update is huge and has some different parts to it...sorry if it's too long but you all know how long-winded I am! BM got the petition to modify the parenting plan in the mail yesterday. I had been wondering what she would do when she got it. I don't know why I even had any doubts. We got a phone call last night from her which was, in all honesty, very funny. She meant it to be threatening but listening to it was just so amusing. The weird thing is that she knows we're recording her phone calls and she still continues to call us and hand us stuff to use against her.

Worried about SS

Nymh's picture

According to BM, when SS is with her he complains of severe stomach pain. She says that this has been going on for over a month now. We have had him twice in that period of time - once for a full weekend, and once for a regular one day visit. When he was with us, he didn't complain of his stomach at all. Apparently when he's with BM it's so bad that he begs her to take him to the doctor. She took him to the ER, who told her that he needed to poop. She said they were stupid and took him to a children's hospital about an hour and a half from her house.

How many means of contact are really necessary?

Nymh's picture

BM has been hounding us for months to give her our personal cell phone numbers. The judge and both lawyers have told her that the number she has is enough considering that she can leave a message if we are not there. Not to mention she can also email us. AND she can call BF's mother and ask her to pass the message along. There are a dozen ways that she could indirectly get into contact with us, but that's not good enough for her. She wants to be able to reach US specifically no matter when or why or where, at her whim and fancy.

Everywhere I turn, there she is!

Nymh's picture

Ugh it feels like I just can't get away from this woman! She's called my work every day this week. I haven't been taking her calls, and everyone who answers the phone has been given a briefing and knows that her calls are to go straight to voicemail. I've even told them that if she asks them to just write down a message to give to me, to tell her that they aren't allowed to take personal messages and just transfer her to voicemail without giving her time to argue. She's sending me emails too, which I also don't answer. Thank goodness she doesn't have my home number or cell number!
