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Hahaha, funny stuff!

Nymh's picture

So, remember over Christmas visitation, when BM spent so much time emailing us and calling us that we could barely have a good time together? Well, this offended BF's mother so much that she decided to give BM's mother a call. So BF's mother called BM's mother and let her know exactly what was going on and that BM needed to back off and realize what she's doing.

BM swears up and down that her mother told her that "some woman" called her and told her these things. BM is CONVINCED that it was me. Ok, I don't even know her mother's name, let alone her phone number, and have absolutely no interest or reason for calling her. When BF picked up SS on last visitation, she told him that he needed to discuss with me not to be calling her mother. He told her that I wasn't the one who called her, that BF's mother was. Of course, she didn't believe that. BM somehow thinks that BF's mother loves her and would NEVER do something like that. BF's mother never liked her to begin with!

Well, BF's mother called us and told us that she called BM personally to tell her what she thought about the situation. She told her that if she spent so much time emailing and harrassing us that she obviously didn't have enough time to take care of her son. She also told her that we were saving every email, recording every conversation, and that we had MORE than enough evidence to sue her for harrassment so she needed to BACK the F*** OFF!

I really think that she may have gotten the point through to BM (or at least scared or ticked her off enough to back off for a while) because I haven't gotten a single email from BM since Christmas visitation. She's only called BF to discuss SS with the one exception of the bogus court summons conversation. Part of me is really relieved that she's backed off...but the bigger part of me is wondering if she's plotting against us again, because that's what has happened every other time she gets nice for a while!


Enuffsenuff's picture

That would be nice wouldn't it. I truly think that BM in our case is trying new ways to intrude upon our life-- and as usual is using issues with the kids to do so. She still calls daily, but is getting no answer--unless warrented and so far not one call has been. Also BF has made it a point to only talk to her when she answers the phone and he has called to talk to boys. In which case she will keep him on the phone for 15-20 minutes until he finally sighs loudly and says "okay can I pleeeeeease talk to SS's"

It's so crazy to me that BM's act this way after a divorce. I don't get it. I hope for your sake that she has got the point and will continue to realize what she does is only hurting herself. I hope our BM gets the point soon too.


TKO's picture

Hopefully that keeps some least for awhile! I would love for my DH's mother to do that, but I know that BM and BM's mother wouldn't let her get a word in and turn the conversation around onto us.

I know that we can't say anything like that to BM so I will always hope that one day someone will put her in her place.

Congrats to you that someone was able to do that! And...I'll have my fingers crossed, and give extra prayers.... that she's not plotting!