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Getting REALLY irritated with MIL...

melis070179's picture

So MIL is on facebook. So is BM. So am I. Facebook tells everyone that can see your page everything you do...I hate BM knowing anything about our life. So I can delete MIL from my friends list, which will probably piss her off...but that still doesn't stop her from posting tons of our pics on her page! She's got many many pics of me, my sons, my DH...all right there for BM to see. I have my myspace set to private so that people I don't know or like cannot see my pics...but there MIL is posting them all!! Do I have to simply stop giving her any pics of us? She asks for them all the time if I go more than a month without emailing some...or she'll steal them off my myspace. any of you deal with this? Its really making me sick.


melis070179's picture

But there still isn't anything I can do about MIL posting all of our family pics on her page for BM to see...I don't really use my facebook so I'm not too concerned with BM seeing that stuff...I don't post on MILs page so that BM can't read it...I'm really pissed about my pics though. I just did something kind of passive agressive...I posted a comment that "I don't particularly like pics of my family posted on other people's pages...they are for just anybody to see!" She'll probably get pissed but I couldn't care less right now! ugh...

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

newstepmom2008's picture

I didn't want the truly psycho BM knowing anything more than she does about my life. She's a jealous vindictive low life! SS is on Facebook and wanted to add me as a friend. I created a totally separate and private account so no one can even find it. I added him as a friend and had him accept that one.

He was kind of peeved that I didn't let him have access to my true Facebook page, but too bad so sad! I told him that my friends are adults and since I can't control what they may post I didn't want to take any chances on him seeing something that was not meant for a child's eyes. I tag him in pictures that ONLY show the skids.

I also figured out that it was ALL spawned by his nasty BM wanting to gain access to my page, so now I add photos of special stuff I do for them b/c it really honks her off!

You are the adult, you don't have to conform to what a child wants. If that means you feel something in your private life is compromised by delete her and set up an account where she can communicate with you, but is restricted from your private information.

I quit worrying if I was appearing to be the evil step-mother on issues like this. I finally dropped the guilt and decided that my private life is just that PRIVATE! I'll share it with who I want and when I want! And if mommy dearest and the bratty ss don't like it , well they should have thought about that before they treated me like crap for 2 years!

Look at it this way -- if your skid is anything like my oldest SS, you are going to "piss off" your MIL in some way or another! Might as well make yourself happy!

Best of luck!

melis070179's picture

Theres no way of preventing MIL from posting pics of MY KIDS on HER page though, right?

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

newstepmom2008's picture

I just realized that MIL was mother-in-law. I would just tell her flat out. That you don't want BM seeing pictures of your family, so you aren't sending her anymore until you agree to stop posting pictures of my children where she can see them!

I'm super lucky my MIL HATES, HATES, HATES the BM and is not technologically inclined LOL.

Nymh's picture

It is not her right to post pictures of other people that she does not have permission to post.

If you really wanted to, you could go to all of the pictures that MIL has posted which you do not like, and click "Report this photo" on the bottom right hand side. They have measures in place to protect people's privacy in these instances.

Before I did that, though, I would have a conversation with MIL about how you request that MIL not post pictures of you or your BKids on her Facebook page. That is not too much to ask. I wouldn't even mention that it's because you don't want BM to have access to them. Since they are pictures of YOU and YOUR KIDS, it is your right that you request they not be posted on the internet by others. She might shoot back with, if you don't want me to post them, then don't send them to me. To that, I would say fine. It is that important to me. When you decide to change your mind, let me know. Until then, if you want to see us you can come visit Smile

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

melis070179's picture

The only options for reporting them were if they were copyrighted or nude photos..but no they wouldn't know who reported it.

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

sparky's picture

I would ask her to remove the pics and tell her you feel that your privacy is being violated, which it is. If she doesnt delete the pics after 5 days delete her from your friend list. You cant do anything about the pics that she already has but you can do something about the future. In the future only give her pics of her grand child and that should put an end to your pics being on there.

MinneMom3's picture

My husband's family has BM/exgf as a friend. I defriended all of them and a few understood our need for privacy and deleted her instead of me deleting them. I'm furious that one of his brother's wife who was not at our destination wedding put pictures of us on her page. That is a private event and was not meant for her eyes. This is why I don't trust or go near his family. They haven't moved on and they broke up 5 years ago.

melis070179's picture

Okay girls...I'm really hoping she gets the hint with my passive agressive comment on my page...but if not, I will tell her directly. I'd like to delete her a$$ anyway because I feel like I can't put whatever I want on there, and she is a serious talker, so SS or BM find out anything we tell her. I hate that. Stupid BM posted a comment on her page that she was glad she was "home from the hospital (last month) and I love you" ugh...

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Sita Tara's picture

the internet has changed what's private anymore.
Regarding your MIL, if you are close I would ask her if she could refrain from posting pics of your family on there due to it being the internet and you not wanting anyone to have access to the children's info. If she says that only her friends can see them, I would tell her you aren't comfortable with any pics that have you and DH in them as BM will see them and not only is that uncomfortable for you, but it probably is for BM (if they are friends for real then perhaps appealing to her on behalf of BM is a better approach.)

And if you and MIL aren't close I would ask DH to handle it completely rather than cause friction.

I haven't really worried about pics of us doing things, but I am vain enough myself to remove my name from a pic that my friends post, when it's a really horrible pic. Once tagged, the pics pop up on my profile- ABOVE all other pics of me I like and have posted myself, and is the first one to greet my friends who come to browse them. When I post pics including other people, I really try to pick the ones that are the best and edit them to make people look even better (like red eye, remove blemishes etc). I think many of us now know how celebrities, or even their friends and family who don't choose to live in the public eye feel. You can't stop anyone from posting pics on FB. I have had a cousin take a group shot, posted and tagged me in it that had me in a tight unflattering shirt in a position that shocked me into never wearing that shirt again as it makes my already obscenely large boobs somehow look even bigger. I had to remove some of my tags from friends photos from here, from our Ya Ya retreat, when we were camping, and drinking, with no make-up to cover pimples and I was all bloated from PMS.
I gave up on worrying about who sees what of me on someone else's page because it's yet another thing out of my control.

Goodluck and let us know what happened.

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?" ~Hamlet Act III scene I

Last Nerve's picture

The main reason I hadn't created one was because of the BM (she's on there, her profile is set to private though).
I've been debating on creating one lately, both of my BD's have them, and they're set to private as well.
Melis, have you or your DH explained to your MIL how you feel about this? Do you know if she has BM as a 'friend'? It sounds like MIL either doesnt' know about the privacy settings, or doesn't care... Hopefully it's the former...

melis070179's picture

yep, she's her friend on there...all FB accounts are private if you're not a friend, so she can't see my page, but she can see any comment that goes on between I don't write on her page anymore. My MIL is close to EVERYONE, including BM. This just makes me sick. And to top it off she just asked for pics of my son because he just started walking...I'm sure she'd post those too. My DH would never say anything to her about it. She saw the comments I put on my page about not liking other people posting pics of my family on their pages...she didn't say anything at all about it but didn't delete them either. So its either stop sending her any pics and ignoring what she already has or be the "bitch" and tell her straight out that I don't want BM seeing pics of my family.

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

DISbelief's picture

Until she deletes BM as a friend, you will not be her friend on there. if they aren't friends then BM can't see your photos. And tell her WHY. Maybe she is not aware that it bothers you? It would bother me too... there are SOME pics I post just so BM WILL see them, my profile pic on my myspace... always sure it is a GOOD one! But there are boundaries. I don't want her knowing our every move. FIL and I got in to quite an arguement about his contact with BM (who he HATED when FH and BM were married, a new found friendship transpired and I was NOT okay with it). Once he realized that it was affecting his relationship with FH, he stopped. Sorry, but if MOMMA ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

melis070179's picture

She would let me delete her instead of deleting BM. And if BM told her the same thing, she would let BM delete her instead of deleting me. She's all about "can't we all just get along" now I think. Before she used to talk crap about me to BM & about BM to me, but act like she just loved us both to our faces. I'm not too fond of this woman but I try to get along to make my DH happy. ugh...maybe next time I send her a pic & I will put in the email please don't post it on facebook. She how she responds to that.

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"