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oh I am SNEAKY!!!!

melis070179's picture

Okay, this will probably sound really bad, but at this point, I don't this is an update to my blog about my MIL posting my and my family's pics on her facebook...and BM is on her friend's list. Well, I know MIL's password...its the same password she uses for everything and she told it to me one time because she wanted me to sign into her email & check on something a few years back (she's a pill popper & doped up most of the time so she'd never remember she gave it to me). So I got the bright idea today to see if it was the same password for was. So I went into her pictures album and adjusted the privacy options. Luckily facebook has a lot of options, and one is to exclude people. So I changed it to let everyone on her friends list EXCEPT BM & BM's mom (who is also on her friends list) view the pics. How bad is that?! Oh well, I asked her to take them down, she didn't. So instead of deleting her, which would probably piss her off or hurt her, I made a little adjustment. Ha! Blum 3


October8's picture

I totally understand why you don't want them looking at your kids. It really is an issue of safety.

My facebook page is mostly for my adult friends and I don't post pictures of children there, only of adults and adult events. I also have them set to friends only.

My Myspace is private and for friends only. There I do post pics of my nephews and nieces so it is specially important to me to keep that private.

If you notice on ther,e the friends I have there are either known to me or family. With children it is especially important to me to have these settings, because you never know what kind of psycho may be lurking out there.

All that to say, I understand your concern...

One can only hope!

melis070179's picture

My biggest thing is, I don't like BM knowing anything about our life. And when MIL posts our pics, it lets her in. She knows what trips we take by looking at these pics, and will use that as a reason to try to get more money from DH. She'll say stuff like, oh you can afford Disney World, you can afford to help me more...blah blah sorry, but not gonna happen! She SHOULD be grateful we give her anything, considering the circumstances! ugh...She sucks at life.

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

October8's picture

Some of these BM's don't seem to consider the the WIFE works too, and a lot of the time the WIFE's income is the reason these trips or excursions can be taken.

It makes me so angry to even think about....

One can only hope!

melis070179's picture

lol...yeah except I don't work anymore...I am a student & SAHM! I don't care either way though, she isn't married to him, she doesn't have any claim on his money or our family! screw her

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Wicked2Three's picture

You are my hero for the day! Good job. I wonder how long it will take for someone to figure it out?

melis070179's picture

lol, I don't know! I'll check the settings if MIL ever posts more pics & make sure its the same

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Last Nerve's picture

That was pretty brave! Don't know if I'd have the guts to do it, but my hat is off to you for thinking of it.

IMO, your MIL should have respected your request to take them down.

melis070179's picture


"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Last Nerve's picture

BM will say something to your MIL when she realizes she can't view the pictures anymore?

Hopefully, your MIL is computer illiterate, and doesn't figure out how to change the settings back! If she calls you, just say "That's odd, I've never heard of that before..." Wink

melis070179's picture

She has NO idea how to do that took forever to teach her how to upload pictures. I had to set up her myspace & her FB accounts. I don't know how often BM really looks at her page...the girl has 5 kids to watch & her BF just strated being a truck driver and is gone a who knows. I'm sure she's already seen all the ones that are currently up, but we'll see what happens when MIL posts a new pic!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

WowjustWow's picture

Is MIL smart enough to figure out how to change it back?

Very funny Melis!

~ Formerly ToTheEdge. I have stepped down from the ledge.

melis070179's picture


"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

kaffonseca's picture

I did something similar to Fh's myspace page..BM used to steal all the cute pics of the boys off his I went in and put most of his albums private , only friends can see..the only ones I left public were the ones with him and I ..and the kids with ME. Smile

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

melis070179's picture his page isn't set to private?

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

kaffonseca's picture

I thought of setting it to private..mine too.but than I actually like the idea of nosy BM seeing our happy pics

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

melis070179's picture wouldn't bother me as long as they aren't current ones that give away the things we are doing...I don't like her to know ANYTHING about my life! Unfortunately that means we also have to limit what we tell MIL & SS too. oh well.

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

frustratedinMA's picture

i dont see anything wrong w/ that.. they are your children, you asked her nicely, she didnt honor your request.. too bad for her, but sounds like she will never figure it out!!

MSloan86's picture

I dont blame you. You likly defused a situation with MIL and your family around her refusal to remove the photos. Now there is no need to argue or hold back from sharing things with MIL.

What are the chances BM will ask MIL why she blocked her photos?

melis070179's picture

I think I will find that out when MIL posts a new pic and BM tries to go look at it...MIL will play dumb (rightfully so) and probably won't be able to figure it out. But I will check periodically when new pics are posted to make sure the setting is the same!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

melis070179's picture

I just realized I will have to do the same thing on MY page, once we get back from our cruise in July. We aren't telling MIL, SS or BM about it, and since MIL is on my friends list, I will have to make a separate album for those pics & block her & BIL from viewing them...of course I will play dumb when she says can't view them!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

Sunflower's picture

HAHA This is great!! Thanks Melis you made my day. I know how you feel I set my DH's photos to friends only so BM couldnt see them anymore!! LOL I know she looks for them but she wont dare admit that she checks up on DH!!

It is better to be the hammer than the anvil.
Emily Dickinson

thatdriskillgirl's picture

My Monster-in-law doesn't have since 2 have a myspace Acct. She just emails whatever she needs 2 to her.
But that was a good 1 I must say!!!

thatdriskillgirl's picture

I know we would ALL like 2 know how this plays out so plz update us!!!lol!!

melis070179's picture

Well yesterday MIL uploaded yet another pic of my 11 month old, but nothing has been said about BM & her mom not being able to look at MIL's pics...I checked the settings, they are still the same Smile My hope is that BM will just think my MIL blocked her from viewing her pics and not say anything LOL Or maybe BM doesn't look at her pics very often or at al, and won't notice. Who knows. But for now I feel better knowing BM CAN'T see them. Of course, I guess she could always email them straight to her, but that would be REALLY weird for BM to ask that! Stalker weird, which I don't think she would do. And I DO think MIL would tell me if she did. But guess what? MIL's password to her email is the same as her Facebook, so I can check if she ever emails her too! Man, I'm evil. oh well Wink

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"