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Apparently I'm pregnant again! News to me!

Nymh's picture

Biomom is so ridiculous. Every few months we'll get an email saying something like "Congratulations, I hear you two are expecting!" or "When's the baby due?" from her. According to her I've supposedly been pregnant about 5 or 6 times in the past few years. I really find this type of behavior pathetic. The really, really sad thing is that she believes it, too. She makes these crazy things up in her head and believes them to be true until we prove that she's wrong.

I think she's desperate now because I haven't responded to any of her emails in weeks no matter how ridiculous the things she says are or how much they make me mad. I've blocked her from my Myspace, too, so she can't read my journal anymore. If she expects me to respond to this trying to explain myself, so sorry, but I'm not!

Can anyone give me any insight on this type of behavior from her? Or any advice on how I should deal with it? Should I just keep ignoring her or should I confront her about it?


Nymh's picture

My feelings exactly. And the funny thing is that she is the one calling me childish, but she's the one sending me three or four desperate emails every day begging for some sort of attention from me even if it's in the form of argument. If it's childish to try to avoid that, I would love to know how she defines her own actions.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Kim's picture

Nymh...this woman obviously thinks way too much about you. She seems to be fixated on you and your relationship. There is definitely huge jealousy issues going on with her which is probably due to her not resolving her issues with the relationship she had with your husband. She probably knows that you and your husband have a great relationship and are happy and she is trying to make your life hell. I think you're off to a great start with blocking her from viewing your myspace site and also, block her e-mail. To her, any attention from you, even if it's negative is what her motive is.

My BF and I have encountered very similar issues with his ex, except it is focused on him. She'll try anything to get attention from him. She goes in cycles though. First it's "hey, let's be friends", and if that doesn't work, she changes her attack and uses the "feel sorry for me, I'm trying my best to raise OUR son" (mind's 50/50 physical custody), and if that doesn't work for her still, she gets desperate and tries "you're scum of the earth and a piece of sh**!". She cycles through this about once per month and now my BF and I can predict her next charade and we just laugh have to find the humor in it or else your drive yourself crazy.

You deserve peace and sanity in your relationship and keeping this crazy psycho bitch as far away from you and your relationship is the only way to make that happen. Good luck!!


Nymh's picture

Thank you so much for your comment. I would love to block her from emailing me alltogether but I have this fear that if she had to get a hold of us for some reason and couldn't get us on the phone, and I had blocked her from sending me email...

Anyways, BM in my situation goes through much the same cycle as the BM in yours, only of course it's directed at me. One day she'll contact me all sweet and caring trying to appeal to my sensitive side. When that doesn't work, she starts trying to be my mother and scolding me for being with BF when I know his past good and well. Then when that doesn't work she'll start yelling at me (as much as you can yell through email). Then when I still haven't responded she'll start making stuff up to try to tempt me into responding to prove her wrong. She also rotates between calling SS "OUR son" and "MY son", of course depending on how mad she is and what point she's trying to get across.

It's sad. I've cut off as much communication with her as I can comfortably and still know that in case of emergency she can contact me. Anything other than emergency contact is absolutely not necessary. I'll continue to ignore her. Thanks! Smile

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Kim's picture

Oh my gosh...I really think they are related...LOL. My BF's ex rotates between "YOUR son" and "OUR son" depending on how mad she is and to get her point across. She has tried the "Hey...Thanks..." in her emails. And she also has the other extreme "...get off your high horse....buck up and be a dad..." ***Kim***

Nise's picture

Crazed Biomoms should be treated like the animals at the zoo…they are fun to watch from a distance but get ready to run if they start to come too close…and when they start to throw their own crap around…smile, nod and calmly walk away! You are doing the right thing with this NUT! Keep distancing yourself from her…the girls are right...block her e-mails!

Make a GREAT Day!

happy mom's picture

oh my that is weird....she's waiting for a response from you..don't respond back, let her draw up her own conclusions...and you know what ITS NONE OF HER BUSINESS ANYWAYS. ignore it and go on about your daily life. if you want to respond and can't handle it anymore say "none of your business and to stop emailing you."

-happy mom