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Do judges usually question why the custodial isn't working?

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Well now that Bm has responded to Dh's lawyer that she won't sign a parenting plan because she doesn't agree to taking turns claiming Ss every other year and also refusing to do her part in transportation because it's "dh's responsibility to pick up/drop off Ss if he wants to see his son", we're waiting for a court date. My question is, for those of you who have gone to court and Bm wasn't working, did the judge question why they weren't working? If so, what did Bm's say their reasons were? What did the judges say?

Bm responded... Need feedback

msg1986's picture

So Bm responded.

Of the 6 things Dh is asking for, she only responded to 4 of them. So as you may know, Dh is asking for Visitation to remain every weekend, shared transportation, Holidays to be split every other year, Taking turns claiming Ss on taxes every year, communication to be via our family wizard and lastly joint legal custody-which here in our is usually standard unless there is history of abuse or something crazy.

Surprise Surprise, Bm called the lawyer...

msg1986's picture

So after days of dodging her calls, Bm called Dh's lawyer back. I guess Dh's lawyer wanted to discuss maybe having Bm sign a parenting plan to avoid going to court. The lawyer said Bm called her sounding all chipper and pleasant giving her her sob story about how she was in hospital and na na na. She also advised the lawyer that she's still "working" on her response but she'll be sending her a letter "soon"... Bm has until Friday the 26th so we'll see if she follows thru with that...

Bm asks Dh again to pull back on court

msg1986's picture

So Bm changed her number AGAIN and just called Dh. He didn't know who it was and answered and she started rattling off right away asking if he'd talked to her mom and if her mom told him how she was just in the hospital and how she almost died. Dh was like "and?" and she was like "well I can't handle court stuff right now... Your lawyer keeps calling me and they said I need to respond within 30 days and I just can't. I can't. I have too much going on to deal with this." So Dh was like "What do you want me to do?" and Bm tells him, "Can't you just pull back on court?

Bm has yet to respond to being served...

msg1986's picture

So Bm was served 11/26 and the lawyer is still waiting for a response... She did post on FB that she's in "desperate" need a lawyer that "doesn't cost a lot of money" but we'll see if she takes action on that. Now now, before I get any flack, I don't usually look at her social media things but I've been keeping an eye because Dh is going to court and Bm is the type of person to put every.single.thing on Fb.

"The best thing a father can do is love the mother of his child"

msg1986's picture

So I seen a quote the other day that said "the best thing a father can do is love the mother of his child." This got me thinking about my step life because dh certainly does not love Bm. What are your thoughts on this quote? I'm sure it was intended for nuclear non step families but I seen it on an acquaintance's instgram but this person is a Bm-a very unpleasant one at that. Thoughts?

Is it normal for a 6 year old to lie about being sick?

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So this past weekend Ss6 was acting a little off. During dinner Friday night he suddenly stopped eating and annoucned that he was sick and couldn't eat anymore. Prior to dinner Ss was acting fine and even when he said he was sick he didn't seem sick. Dh thought Ss was lying so he gave him a smartie and asked him how he felt. Ss announced that he felt better and went to bed. Dh was a little thrown off but we thought whatever and left it at that.

Did going to court make things better?

msg1986's picture

I haven't been on lately because things have just been ultra busy. At this point Bm has been served and so we're just waiting because she has the 30 days to respond. Dh talked to the lawyer yesterday and told her how Bm seemed okay with everything except taking turns claiming Ss on taxes so the lawyer said she was going to try to get a hold of Bm and write up an agreement and see if Bm will sign it and just go to court for the taxes... So we'll see what happens with that.
