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"The best thing a father can do is love the mother of his child"

msg1986's picture

So I seen a quote the other day that said "the best thing a father can do is love the mother of his child." This got me thinking about my step life because dh certainly does not love Bm. What are your thoughts on this quote? I'm sure it was intended for nuclear non step families but I seen it on an acquaintance's instgram but this person is a Bm-a very unpleasant one at that. Thoughts?


Ninji's picture

It's ridiculous. If BM and SO still loved each other, why would they have gotten a divorce?

Change the word Love to Respect. And that's not always easy.

msg1986's picture

I know! this quote needs to go into circulation!! Bm's bash good fathers ALL THE TIME and it's sickening but the minute you say something about mom, it's war. lol.

msg1986's picture

lol I agree! If you're a crappy mom/person/wife etc then WHY would the father love you??

Same with my Dh, he said he was in love with the idea of being in love and I get that. Just too bad he couldn't wrap it up!

msg1986's picture

LOL! My husband feels the same way about Bm. He says she was the biggest mistake of his life but hey, it is what it is.

thinkthrice's picture

Hmm I remember that quote waaaaay back when in the eighties when I was cleaning a doctor and nurse's home for a living. One of my many side jobs trying to make it as a single parent w/o CS.

It was engraved on a wooden plaque and in the doctor's den.

This applies only for INTACT families! I think this quote was evolved WELL before the skyrocketing divorce rate of the seventies.

msg1986's picture

I totally agree it's for intact families. What bothers me about my steplife is instead of thinking "aww so sweet" when I seen it because I'm also (how sad does that sound) the Bm of dh's child (dd), I thought "ugh... gimme a break" because I thought of Bm. I know , I know, I shoulda picked a man without baggage but I love my Dh. I just wish the only child in our lives was the child we have together.

msg1986's picture

Ya know Meerkat, you have it dead on. It's true that the Bible says it should be different but nowadays no one cares about that and people are just jumping into bed with anyone. It bugs me to no one that for a lot of people, their biggest accomplishment in life is having a child. Don't get me wrong, being pregnant and giving birth is HARD. BUT BUT BUT, to me that isn't a accomplishment... like you said, it's natural... it's what we're here for. Finishing college and getting a degree is an accomplishment. Saving someones life, that's an accomplishment. Raising decent successful respectful children is an accomplishment.

"The best things a parent can do for his or her child are be a good parent and show some discretion in who you choose as your child's other parent." <--- this couldn't be any more true.

BSgoinon's picture

This quote pops up every once in a while on my Pinterest. And it seriously, makes me want to PUKE. It actually has been pinned by a friend of mine, actually... her husband is my friend and they are going through a very odd divorce (they have slept in separate rooms for 2 years). She is going to be "THAT BM" when they do finally separate homes. I wanted so badly to comment on it, but I didn't. Took every fiber of my being not to.

msg1986's picture

lol I felt uneasy when I seen it too and I'm the mother of Dh's child as well! When I read it I immediately though "gimme a break" lol. I asked him what he thought about the quote and how he felt about Bm. Basically his sentiments was that he wished he never had to see Bm again and he couldn't care less about her. His son is his only concern.

Oh no... Make sure to let whoever that dude dates to visit our site. lol.

msg1986's picture

"NEWS FLASH: giving birth does to negate one from working for their rest of their lives, but sadly, many believe this"

I couldn't agree more!!! For some reason a lot of Bm's think just because they popped out a kid/kids that they somehow got a gold ticket to hang out all day every day... um no. It's aggrivating.

LuckyGirl's picture

How about "The best thing a father can do is respect the mother of his child... and the best thing a mother can do is respect the father of her child"

Respect goes a long, long way...