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justmakingthebest's Blog

To those with Special Needs older teens/ adults

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We have been trying to get SS18 a job for a while now. He is autistic, severe ADHD and bi polar. He is a good kid but... weird. He can't connect to people, doesn't look them in the eyes, has a hard time with conversations that are based in reality, etc. So interviews for him are very challenging. 

My life is a crazy shift from one end of the spectrum to the other

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Last night my daughter's SM texts me and said Carrie Underwood (my daughters favorite!) just released her concert dates for next year. Can the three of us plan a girls trip/ weekend?

Then the other side dealing with BM and lawyers and Munchausen syndrome by proxy and her just being a B in general... 

SS13's Continued medical drama

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So, I called the pediatrician here to get the doctor notes for the Non-diagnosis of Ehlors-Danlos that were sent by the genetics clinic. The receptionist goes, "oh Mrs. DH, you called and had him transferred from this clinic... wait... what was your name again?" - I tell her - She says "Did you used to have a different last name?" - I say yes, and give it to her. Then she tells me she can't talk to me. 

@#$&*! BM

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At the beginning of the summer my kids got lice while on a family thing at their dad's from one of their cousins, we think. They were gone for a month. SM and Dad treated them, had them checked out, did all that they were supposed to do, etc. I went ahead a rewashed all bedding and vacuumed really good just in case. None of this was when SS was with us.

So anyway, SS13 gets home from his visit with us and about 2 hours later she is calling DH yelling at him that SS has lice. 

SS13's last day

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We have had a wonderful summer with SS13. We have done so many adventures the last 3 weeks. Seen great sites, spent a weekend in D.C. -- just wonderful. We also got the somewhat awesome news that SS doesn't have EDS (please see my previous blogs), even though BM convinced him that the doctors are wrong. We pray that he will realize that doctors are smarter than his mother when it comes to diagnosing- especially specialist for the syndrome. 

Strange and scary thought

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Those of you with Step sons who have a super controlling GUBM:

What are the chance do you think of them marrying a woman just like BM? After years of shitting on their own dad's, what is the chance they are going to go through the same heartbreak and it won't be until they loose their own children will they understand why their dad fought so hard? 

Selective Disengagement?

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I am finding myself more and more irritated at the toxicity that BM creates. SS has gone back to believing that he has Elhors-Danlos. BM and her GED self with her CNA credientials obviously knows more than the geneticist at the children's hosipital's EDS clinic. We were so silly to question her (eyeroll). But what are we going to do? Sure, we can go back to court. Sure, we will probably win something over it. SS will probably also hate us for it. BM has turned him.

BM is Unbelievable!

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We had to talk with SS for almost an hour trying to convince him that the Geneticist has more medical training than BM. That he is not sick. Had to keep saying things like "Remember how all 3 doctors told you that there was no blood work today, becasue there isn't a gene for Elhor-Danlos? So when your mom said you had a blood test when you were a baby, she must be mistaken on what you were tested for, because there is no blood test for this." -- "If you had this disease, you would not be able to play contact sports.

Waiting on the Lawyer now....

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So after yesterday's news we emailed our lawyer. It is the waiting game. This is the worst.

I also found out yesterday that when we were taking the family history that BM told SS the reason she "can't work" and is on the pain pump is because of his birth. He "hit her tailbone" and she has been in pain ever since. DH told the doctors that it wasn't really what happened.... DAMN! Not only does she convince him that he is sick but also blames him for her issues. MOTHER OF THE YEAR! 
