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sunny_skies's Blog

Tone Up Tuesday

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I've had a bit of a hard week with regards to SS6. Ok scratch that. A *really* hard week.

Sometimes I feel I'd like to ask other STalkers for advice, but a) I feel silly as, in comparison to other skid problems on here, mine are quite small, and b) I'm struggling to find the time to write a blog that covers it all. I might try soon.

Anyway. Back to today. Coping with SS's bullshit has inevitably meant.. Wine.

Yep, I totally fell off the no carb/low carb wagon when it came to wine this week.

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Hi guys! (Hugs for everyone) I'm still rocking the low carb food, and feeling SO great about it! I haven't gotten on the scales lately, but I certainly feel lighter.

I think it's because the added "bloat" that comes with lots of carbs has gone. My stomach just feels sooo much more comfortable, with less carbs in my diet.

I must say here.. *less* carbs.. Not *no* carbs! I love my bread and pasta too much lol!

I tend to have a very small amount of carbs at lunch, and leave the rest of the day carb free.

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Thankyou Tuff, for the awesome "self love" blog today Smile I feel quite happy with my big beautiful eyes and my gorgeous lips right now LOL!

Well, my week has been awesome. After my bad week last week, I had to snap myself out of it somehow, and found that I was able to do that by googling new recipes to get myself excited about healthy food again Smile

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

We had friends visiting this weekend. I was determined to be good, regardless of the fact we had company.

Yah that didn't happen. Sigh. 

We had such a fun time, but that fun time involved lots of wine, chips and caaarbs :/ 

Remember my "Renewed Determination!" blog a few weeks back? I haven't had any wine, and VERY few carbs since then. 

A while back, I even had one of those weird "I feel sick and dizzy" days, when you stop eating carbs. I wasn't expecting that! Because I've cut *down* on carbs, not cut them *out* completely. 

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Low carb or No carb confusion. Any advice?

I've been a little unsure as to what I should be doing this week. My stomach has been feeling much better since I cut down on the carbs. (not feeling bloated or sick after meals anymore) But I'm not sure if I should cut carbs out all together for a short while in order to lose weight.

My ultimate goal is to lose 50lbs. And my concern is, that I'm not actually following a weight loss plan like weight watchers or something. I'm just making it up as I go.

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture


I am SO.. So. So. Bored of being liked this. Quite apart from the fact that I can't breathe properly..

I can't *move* properly as my stomach gets in the way. All my other limbs also feel too large to bend properly in the way that they're meant to.

I can't even reach my toenails comfortably to paint them pretty colours like I used to.

I am completely *unable* to visualise how my life will turn out if I continue down this path.

It makes me miserable, and I'M SICK OF IT.

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Today is the first Tuesday ever that I almost didn't blog. But it felt too weird not to, and almost slightly guilty in a way! here I am.

I just can't think of anything positive to say right now. I'm still suffering the after affects of being so sick, which in turn is affecting my ability to do everything, let alone exercise. 

Tone up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

I've been real, real sick this week. Everything sucks. Like, literally everything. 

After the hospital appointments I've had the last few days, long term health issues might be a thing. A thing that would affect my ability to exercise. Gah. 

Not totally serious, just affecting ability to exercise. Oh and I've got to say, don't even get me started on what happened this weekend with BM and SS. Seriously. 

If I don't lose weight from the stress of all this crap, I will be even more pissed.

I've got nuthin else for ya. Sorry guys.
