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Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

So. I'm still sick, but I've lost 3lbs LOL! Believe me, I am not promoting being sick in order to lose weight. Just sayin what's happened since last blog!

My breathing has improved so much since last week and I'm so very thankful! Biggrin I have a few other health issues right now, (been stuck in bed a lot of the week) but I will try and ignore them for now. I am just thankful I can breath a little better now LOL! Biggrin

I still have to use my inhaler after walking up the stairs, (I keep one inhaler upstairs and one downstairs) but I can actually speak without running out of breath now. I'm very relieved about that because I really like talking! ;P

I am hoping my breathing will improve enough soon, so that I can exercise without discomfort.

In the meantime I am looking through YouTube videos for interesting workout videos for when I'm better. I like the dance ones that are fun and don't feel like that much hard work Smile

Any ideas anyone can share? And how is everyone doing? Biggrin x


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Glad you're doing better. What about chair yoga?

As for me and weight loss... I haven't stepped on a scale in a couple of weeks. My appetite is still off.

sunny_skies's picture

Thanks Aniki X I have no idea why chair exercise didn't occur to me for now while I'm like this! I might have to YouTube a few videos now lol! Thanks Biggrin