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sunny_skies's Blog

My heart is heavy today.

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While out at a bar last night, one of BFs friends introduced us to this guy. Turns out the guy knew a few people that BF knows, and is in the same line of work as BM, so even though the subject of BM wasn't likely to pop up, I was kind of aware of what I was saying in case he knew her.

Birds and Bees?

sunny_skies's picture

Just a general wondering, as SS2 can barely speak in proper sentances yet, let alone ask questions like this, lol

whenever you explain to kids where they come from, in general it tends to start out with.. mummy and daddy loved eachother sooo much, that they made you, etc etc, barf barf barf.

StepTalk Etiquette!

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Hi everyone, just wanted to ask if its ok to personal message fellow steptalkers, or if I have to "request friendship" first or something!

I have read a few things I can really relate to with some members, and would like to ask questions or even just chat with those people Smile


Worries of adding a new baby to a step family. Anyone been there?

sunny_skies's picture

My BF and I have been together since SS was 3months old, he has just turned 2. We have recently started to talk about possibly trying for a baby, but I'm actually finding it very difficult to speak to him about my concerns of doing this in a stepfamily, which is weird as we usually have great communication..

I have been reading old steptalk posts about new babies, and there have been issues like:

not agreeing with parenting style (no problem there, he is not a disney dad)

What age gap between skids and a new baby is best?

sunny_skies's picture

My SS has literally JUST turned 2.. I have always thought that a 2year gap between siblings is best. Seeing my friends little ones (they are 4 and 2) together has confirmed that for me..

The activities for them are kind of the same (example, taking them to the playpark and playing on age appropriate things, in my opinion only 2years difference is good)

Obviously this isnt possible for BF and I, as SS is now 2!! But..

What is your opinion on age gaps? What has been good/bad? Please share your experiences!
