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sunny_skies's Blog

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

I lost 2 pounds! Down 3lbs last week, so that's 5lbs in 2 weeks! All I've done is cut out bread, eat more fruit and vegetables, and watch how much butter etc I'm using while cooking. That's it.

Oh and I stopped the wine. As step parents I'm sure you'll understand that's been really tough too! :/ But generally not too much has changed apart from that! Oh, and I've started exercising Smile

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

My new friend and I went along to join the slimming class last week. But what we had planned after, didn't really go to plan LOL!

We intended on going to the Nia class right after the slimming class, but it took much longer than we thought to get registered as new members. (Filling in forms etc. We also didn't realise the talk would go on for quite so long)

By the time we were all done at the slimming class, the Nia class would've been halfway through, there was really no point in going. Oh well. 

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Guys. I met a friend. Anyone on STalk who knows my story, knows just how huge a deal this is LOL! I moved here 5/6 years ago to be with DH, and I still don't know anyone here. I have been very lonely.

This lovely lady is kind of the same size as me (beautifully cuddly, lol) and she just happened to mention in passing, that she was thinking of joining the slimming class nearby. 

I replied "Ah yes, I used to go, they're very nice" She said "Oh really? Would you consider rejoining, to come with me for my first class this week?" I was a bit nervous but said yes!

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Casa de Sunny was de house of da sick last week.

It still sort of is.. We're kinda getting back to normal now, but still not all totally healthy ;/ I really haven't been energised enough to bounce round doing excercise :/

Sorry I know this is a stupidly boring TUT.. Although even just posting it every week makes me remember what my goal is, and what I should be doing right Smile

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Casa de Sunny has been the house of sick this week. We have all just been wrapped up in blankets with soup and warm drinks :/

So I haven't really done much (no Nia) apart from get up verrrry slowly to get fresh drinks for everyone!

I'm still feeling quite ill, so I don't have much to report.. But would love to hear how everyone is doing?

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

I was really tired before my Nia class this week. I'm just not sleeping. Sometimes, it's DD2 waking up in the night upset, so I have to go see if she's ok.

But most of the time, I just wake up *myself* at weird times in the night for no reason, then just lay there for hours, awake and frustrated. It's been like this for about a year I think, so it's not a new thing.. But still. Ugh.

Anyway, so I was VERY tired before my class. DH said "Why don't you miss out on the class this week, just rest, I'm worried about you being so tired" 

Tone up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture


Omigosh it was AMAZING Biggrin I saw an advert for a Nia class, and thought, huh, what's that.. I'd never heard of it.

Googled it, liked the sound of it, and I went I went I went! I'm so proud of myself for being brave ^_^ 

If anyone has a Nia class near them, GO!!! IT'S SO FUN! I just grabbed this description from Wikipedia:

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Sorry guys I'm afraid to say I didn't build up the courage to go to a workout dance class this week :/ ..Ok that was funny.. 'dance' just autocorrected to 'snack' lol

But I will try again this week. In fact just writing up Tone Up Tuesday and admitting that I didn't go, has made me want to check out which classes are on this week and when, just so I can log in next week and say I went!!!

I will post this, then go online to check. I will tell DH to keep that evening free, and I'm going to go. I will. This week. Yep.


sunny_skies's picture

*hesitantly waves hi*

Are you ok? I so hope you are well and happy x 

I haven't heard from you in a while and I *miss* you! x (((hugs))) x

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Does anyone else feel mortifyingly embarresed at the thought of a workout class?

I used to go to classes sometimes, and *kind of* enjoyed them despite being a little self concious. Well, I've seen several really fun looking evening groups advertised in my area recently.

DH could come home from work to take over looking after DD, and I could go along. Just recently I've seen belly dancing, and street dancing too!
