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sunny_skies's Blog

Tone Up Tuesdays is back! :D

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Ok guys, it came to light a few days ago on Flying Purple's blog, that a few STalkers would be glad to see Tone Up Tuesdays started up again.

I stopped the blog because I received a few comments that I was obsessing with my looks. I'm a stupidly sensitive person and didn't want to annoy people, so.. no more Tone Up Tuesdays.

affection towards bios in front of skids?

sunny_skies's picture

I've noticed recently that I've stopped being quite so loving towards DD18months when SS5 is around (every weekend).

This has not been an intentional move on my part AT ALL, I just realised suddenly that whenever I go to kiss DD or hug her (which is A LOT) ..I stop myself when I remember SS is in the room.

I squish her lovely little face against mine and go to give her a kiss on her beautiful chubby cheeks, then.. when I suddenly remember that SS is there, I stop myself and don't make the kissy sound, I just hold her face against mine.

hesitant realisation: I still love SS

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SS4 said something to BM about me around a year ago. It was untrue, but BM totally believed the crap that came out of a THREE year olds mouth, and acted on it causing stress towards DH and I over it. 

My original blog about it:

SS is a good boy. I think that he might have just been talking without thinking, and didn't actually *mean* to lie about me, he just talks non stop and sometimes his imagination takes hold. Like I said, he was THREE. 

Anyone have nice skids that you still can't stand? Feeling terrible :/

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SS4 is a sweetie. He is polite, does what he's told, never has tantrums, never tries to play off BM and DH against eachother, is gentle and loving with DD12months and myself, and is just generally an absolutely *lovely* child.

He is so clever and funny too, just an absolute sweetheart. I can see that. I can see he's an awesome kid.

But he annoys me so much!! This feeling only started around 9 months ago, and I can't shake it, no matter how many times I try to tell myself that this kid is a great kid! (and he IS a great kid)

I'm jealous of my friends that have no BM to deal with.

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I just spotted yet another announcement of a friend expecting a baby on Facebook. and right after that, another friend talking about how she was excited to be picking up her wedding dress.

It upsets me when we first found out I was pregnant, *I* wanted to shout from the rooftops about DD12months arriving soon.

*I* wanted to shout about DH and I getting engaged the year before she arrived.

*I* wanted to post regular updates on wedding plans, baby scans, aaall of that. I wanted to share my/our excitement with everyone on the planet.

This morning was kinda silly lol

sunny_skies's picture

DD10months usually wakes up quite early. During the week, DH gets up for work early anyway, so he gets up with her. I have an extra quiet 10 minutes in bed, then follow them downstairs to take over so DH can go to work.

At the weekends (when SS4 is here), I let DH sleep a little longer, I get up with DD to tiptoe past SS4's room, and hope she doesn't start any baby gurgling while we walk past which would wake SS up.

I get her downstairs and we start our day. Clean diaper, milk, play with toys etc. All knowing that SS is still asleep and I don't have to deal with him.

Officially Two Years! How did YOU find ST?

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Well, I've been a ST member for 2years and 11hours now. I found ST because I was googling "18 month old won't stop crying" for SS4, what I found online was things like "if you're still breast feeding blah blahh" ..then I was like, hmm, I'm gona have to be more specific.. so I typed in "18 month old stepson won't stop crying" I'm so glad I did that, when the first google hit showed a link to ST, I was literally hooked on reading blogs for months lol! What I learned about dealing with a demanding crazy ass BM, saved my relationship with FDH. 
