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sunny_skies's Blog

Tone Up Tuesday

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I managed *three* exercise videos this week, all without any complaint from DD2! Biggrin

YEHHH!!! I am so excited that she has just left me to do my thing. While I've been exercising, she has been sitting to the side, picking up pencils to draw pictures, or just looking at her little books etc. I am so so happy about this.

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Well, I only managed 2 days exercise again LOL! Perhaps these baby steps will take a little longer than I thought haha Wink

I've really been hoping to get going with exercise every day, but it's proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought :/

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Well, with all my grand plans for exercising every day this week, I only managed 2 days lol! (No tears this time! And DD2 was still ok with letting me do my thing, yay!)

Better than nothing I suppose Wink Also DD and I met up with DH during his lunch break for a meal out this week, it turned out to be quite high fat. (Creamy pasta type thing, yum)

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

No blood, a little bit of sweat, and a lot of tears

I had a bit of a messed up experience with exercise yesterday! It took me a while to figure out what was up with me. (I'm still not sure if I totally nailed it with what I figured out, any extra insight as to why this happened would be appreciated, I feel a little crazy lol!)

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

If anyone would like a great tip for losing your appetite, borrow a stubborn un-potty trained 2 year old for a few days. It will also help you with your personal hygiene and housekeeping, as you will continually be washing your hands and cleaning the house. Thanks DD. It's been.. Eventful.

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Sooo. I've been on a junk food kick this week. This is *very* unusual for me, I *never* eat things like chips and dip etc.

I don't want to get into *why* I've continued further down my downward spiral, but it is what it is. I'm thankful that I'm not into chocolate etc, I'm a carb monkey and always will be. At least I have that on my side Wink

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture


As most of you know, I'm more of a savoury gal. I can forget about a bar of chocolate in the kitchen for so long that it has gone out of date by the time I remember it's there. (don't judge me, my cupboards are big lol)

Ok so. I love savoury stuff. Especially fried chicken, nommm. Well here's the recipe for "fake" fried chicken lol!!!

Mix these things in a big bowl:

1 cup flour
1 teaspoon chilli powder
1 teaspoon paprika powder

Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

I was "seen" this week :O I wish I had an invisibility cloak. Motivation needed!

I don't have any friends here. Kinda crazy as I moved here to be with DH about FIVE years ago, and go to baby groups with DD2 etc. At first I would chat away to all the other moms in the hope that I'd find a friend but after a while of receiving polite replies and nothing more, I kind of gave up. DD and I stick to just talking to eachother at baby groups now.

Update on dreamy SSstb6

sunny_skies's picture

After telling DH all of your suggestions from my last blog (he says thanks lol)

DH said he wanted to try a combination of Amcc's idea and Notthemomma's idea.

Amcc suggested asking SS to repeat back what we'd just told him, so it's stuck in his head better.

Notthemomma's idea was asking SS *why* we told him what we just did, to make him actually start thinking for himself rather than just following orders blindly.

Tone Up Tuesday!

sunny_skies's picture

I have been thinking of cutting out my precious, much loved wine for a while. All the meals DH and I make are really healthy and low in fat anyway, (it's not an effort, just what we enjoy) so I think the one thing holding me back with my weightloss is wine. (Empty calories ahoy!)

During the day, in the week, when DD2.5 and I are alone at home, I have not been eating carbs. A regular day for me has been:
