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Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

I managed *three* exercise videos this week, all without any complaint from DD2! Biggrin

YEHHH!!! I am so excited that she has just left me to do my thing. While I've been exercising, she has been sitting to the side, picking up pencils to draw pictures, or just looking at her little books etc. I am so so happy about this.

She even says "girls?" After I'm done LOL! I'm assuming this is because she's wondering where the girls doing exercises on the tv set have gone, LOL!

"Girls again?" Is an amazing request for her to ask me, it makes me have faith in myself being able to do exercise, and also feel great about her maybe actually joining in with me one day! (I'm just doing fun little dance aerobic workout videos right now)

So happy Smile It took me so long to actually get myself going with this exercise thing. But seriously. Get moving guys, it feels great Biggrin

Anyway, how is everyone else?!! Xxx


sunny_skies's picture

Jasper. You are. Quite simply. Awesome.

Awesommmme I tell yoooouuuu!

Lol! Good job! I'm so impressed Smile

Congrats! Xxx

Indigo's picture

Great job. Each day, little by little, you make choices to be healthy. Think of your DD in the future at 11 years old having watched you model healthy habits. She'll be heading into those teen years way ahead of other girls.

I'm not speaking to Jasper with her actual movement on the scale. Scale envy.

I went to the gym 2x last week and am scheduled for 3x this week. I have to remind myself that even if I have slacked off a bit, I am still "showing up and doing the work." I couldn't do it w/o this style of group personal trainers at my gym. I am inherently lazy and over-estimate my effort. Sad realization about myself, but at least I've bracketed myself into a situation where I may be more successful.

Have NOT changed my diet even though I know that I need to do that too. I had ice cream tonight.

sunny_skies's picture

Thankyou Indigo x I do hope DD takes note and learns early on, I have had such a bad time of it to try and start an exercise regime in later years.

With my trying to change habits/start exercising etc, I hope DD gets that this is a normal every day thing. 

I want her to feel that this exercise thing, is an actual thing that you do every day. Or even every couple a days.

Maybe then, she will be naturally healthier than I am, without her realising she's even making the effort lol! Biggrin

Btw. I am so, so, so very lazy too. At least you are going to the gym! Biggrin Good job Indigo xx

robin333's picture

Hi Sunny. I am so happy for you. You, and the other ladies here, are doing so well. You made me SMILE this evening.