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Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Does anyone else feel mortifyingly embarresed at the thought of a workout class?

I used to go to classes sometimes, and *kind of* enjoyed them despite being a little self concious. Well, I've seen several really fun looking evening groups advertised in my area recently.

DH could come home from work to take over looking after DD, and I could go along. Just recently I've seen belly dancing, and street dancing too!

But I know from experience that if I went along, I'm bright red and sweating after FIVE MINUTES, downing my bottle of water and thinking "Omigod, this is it, I'm going to die" and all the other people in the class are like "pfft, I haven't even gotten going yet" lol

Whenever I see a group advertised, I think "I'll lose some weight and get fitter first, by doing YouTube work outs at home. *Then* I'll go to a class, so I don't look like an unfit, illuminous red, sweaty idiot" 

Yah well that's not working out for me. (lol, didn't get that joke til I typed it out) I just can't get going with workouts at home, and I am embarrassed to go to workout classss. Catch 22.. Yep. I know the only way to fix this is to just go along to a class, and wgaf what anyone thinks. 

But it always holds me back, as I will inevitably be (always have been) the biggest person there, it just makes me cringe with embarrassment.

I wish there was a group advertised with the description "fat sweaty bright red women welcome" LOL

I know that everyone will say "who cares what people think, just go and have fun!" But.. Yah. Hmm.

Would any other STalkers (who feel the same way as I do about classes) promise to go to a workout class this week, and report back next week?

It might encourage me to go along if someone else will do it with me!!! I'll do it if you will, lol!

How is everyone doing this week? I hope you are all well (((hugs))) xxx


Monchichi's picture

I cannot break the 53kg mark (or my scale is lying to me). Yes and hence I don't go to those classes.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Sunny, I am right there along with you. I haven't been to a class in 5 years or more now. I am an uncoordinated klutz. My exercise ball would fly across the room and hit someone! I'd fall off the BOSU ball. THey'd go left and I'd go right. It never got better for me. I'll trip walking. I'm flat footed.

I am like you and I have a now two year old. she'll jump on me and grab my legs and is more of a distraction if I do it at home. I'm having no luck with the at home DVD's either.

So I try and walk and to the Pokemon GO. If I stop to get a Pokemon she jumps out of her stroller or car thing and won't get back in and there is no more quick walking.

I am having success with the bicycle for two. It's great bonding time with me and my 11 year old. It's fun and we get exercise. It's hard work and I think it's helping me with my coordination.

But I have a fitness test at work in October. If I pass it get $600 bucks at Christmas. I need to go on the ball here!!!!!!!!! I have to do pushups and walk fast on a tread mill with my heart rate in a good target range.

Tuff Noogies's picture

watch "my big fat fabulous life". let her inspire you!

and no, no one is watching you, they're focused more on getting the moves/routine right. and the instructor sure as h3ll would want you to stay within your limits and not push yourself too hard all of a sudden - i'm sure she doesnt want anyone to fall out and need an ambulance from her class!!!

robin333's picture

Sunny, I understand completely. I am very self conscious and truly suck at being in rhythm. My face gets blood red and I see the instructor watch me the entire time to make sure I don't pass out or start seizing.

But I love jazzercise. I've learned no one is looking at me, I would be self conscious even if I had the perfect body.

Go, have fun.

Countrymom's picture

Classes are the best motivator! I know I wouldn't do half of what I do in class if I tried on my own.

I used to go to zumba classes and loved them. So fun, and like others said, no one really pays attention to anyone but themselves and the instructor. I now attend spin, in part to reading here and Jasper's praise of the classes Smile The spin class, and others I've seen, also dim the lights drastically which makes me feel less noticeable.

moeilijk's picture

I feel the same way. I was even 'afraid' to do the circuit training class because I'm so not-fit.

But.... part of what I need to learn in life is to set MY limits. Everybody in that class is there getting fit or staying fit. I belong. I just need to take care of myself instead of pushing myself to match up to what I think are the expectations.

When you go next time, just go through the motions. Pace yourself. Think... I want to finish this class with energy left over for a shower. That will help you start learning your own limits.

For me, I get a red sweaty face right away. Lol. But I can do that circuit training class. Although last time someone came over to ask if I was ok as I skipped one of the exercises to huff-and-puff lying down on the floor lol!!!

But sometimes success is just going through the motions. Some days you live it, own it, love it... and some days you muddle through.

AJanie's picture

I feel like an absolute idiot when I go to a class. I am an extremely slim person (I look 12 years old, 14 with makeup) but I wanted some muscle definition and an outlet to relieve stress, so I went to a class a few months back. I have asthma and I get really winded. It is so embarrassing puffing on an inhaler in public.

I totally agree that you should just go. You're there for you, no one else. The hardest part is just walking through the damn door. I will look at my gym's class schedule and maybe I will drag myself to one this week. Once you do it you feel SO GOOD about yourself.

sunny_skies's picture

I used to be really good at dance when I was a kid. My parents used to teach a few different types of dancing, both adults and children. My dad invited a friend of his to one of my performances once. He'd never met me, but he had a kid starting at my school that my dad wanted to introduce me to. 

When we started dancing, my dad began to whisper to his friend "My daughter is the one with the.." Apparently the guy put his hand up and said "Please don't tell me, I'd like to guess which little girl is yours by the way she dances"

He guessed right Smile Maybe it's time to get back into some kind of dance. I will see if I have the courage to try a class this week. I really like the look of the street dance one, I've never tried it! Workin ma stuff on the dance flooor! lol

Thanks guys x You're awesome xx

ntm's picture

I tend to work out on my own. But I joined a cycling club this summer, have made a lot of friends, and had a blast. We are all shapes and sizes and no one cares. If you can balance and pedal, you're good. I've trained for and done two sprint triathlons this summer , with one to go, and I've lost a measly 10 pounds. But two sizes, so that's good. Would like to lose another two sizes, but unless I find a winter tri...