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So glad I split finances

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I said something to DH about not telling Puke or BM about our anniversary trip. He agreed that was best.

He then goes on about how if it's going to be a few months before Puke visits he thought WE could drive 4 hours and spend the weekend out there to see her. I explained that I would not be going as she would no doubt not want me there but what I was really thinking was that I don't want any part of paying for this. He wants to go then he can pay for it.

He's pretty well blown through his money and payday is a week away. Good luck paying for that little trip.

Called That One

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DH talked to Puke last night and asked her when she would be coming next. She said she didn't know because she didn't think her mom would bring her. There may be some truth to this but if Puke really wanted to her mom would do it. Then it was mentioned that maybe she could make it up this summer with an extended visit. She can't stand being here for a week so I doubt she'll come for more than a couple days if that.

Could it be?

over step's picture

DH tells me last night he got a call from Puke yesterday. Now usually the only time he tells me she's called it's not something I wanna hear. Not exactly so this time.

Evidently Puke may have a full time babysitting job. This means that if she does get it she won't be able to come for visits during the week. Bummer!

I'm so hoping she gets and actually keeps the job. The money will be a plus for her which she'll spend like it's on fire but I think she will grow tired of having obligations that she can't just blow off.

Heart to Heart with DH

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I had a really good talk with DH the other night. No fighting or anything. I basically took back control of situations where I am blamed and bad mouthed by BM and Puke.

I made it clear that DH is NOT to discuss me with BM ever and any "talks" DH has with Puke about me is to be done in my presence. No more talking about me behind my back. I told him that if this marriage is going to be a happy one that we need to start standing as a team with BM and Puke.

Needing support and strength

over step's picture

The last few days I've been walking around in a fog, nauseous, and exhausted physically and emotionally. Everyone around me is a mess so no rock to lean on.

I wake up crying, I fight back tears all day, go to bed too exhausted to cry, and I can't say how much weight I've lost. I feel like I'm grieving before she's gone.

Her and I are ready. Damn the tears!!

Plans rescheduled

over step's picture

So I was planning to sit DH down tonight and give him the news that I am splitting our finances. However, Puke decides to walk through the house at midnight talking on the phone with her BF. I immediately wake up DH and he tells her to keep it down. I told DH that this was BS that now I am awake and have to work the next day while she does nothing.

OT Ms Kitty Update

over step's picture

It seems like every week I noticed something new going on with Ms Kitty. Unfortunately nothing to give me hope.

She is no longer mobile and can only pull herself in circles so I have to move her around the house so she has a change in scenery. I bought some puppy pads which has been the best thing i could have done. I took her outside this weekend since it was so nice to enjoy the sun and all the smells. She loved it.

I think she is now blind in her right eye. She isn't able to close that eye so we have started putting eye drops in the eye to keep it moist per her vet.

What a cluster!

over step's picture

Needless to say "the talk" with Puke was a cluster f%€k. I gave up.

ETA: So it was pretty much was Puke blaming me for everything. I knew this already but DH saw it first hand. Puke cried every time I proved her theories wrong. She even cried to BM to which BM sent DH a text telling him that if I make her daughter cry again she would come get her. DH didn't respond and he wouldn't let me.

OMG and WTF!!!

over step's picture

DH comes home after work tonight and tells me that his ex called him about Puke's visit. Evidently the dog is no longer an issue because she is coming Sunday and staying all week. How curious.

Then he tells me that Puke went home after her last visit complaining about me. How I had a label on 2 drawers in my bathroom that said "Over Step's (Do Not Use)". And how I never talk to her while she's here.
