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DH talks a good talk

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I asked DH last night if Puke is or isn't coming this weekend. He said he hadn't heard for sure but was pretty positive when BM found out he wasn't letting the dog come she wouldn't drive Puke to drop off spot. He goes on that he wasn't going to lose any sleep over it and not letting BM dictate what happens in our home.

Now I still believe it's Puke and not BM. DH is completely convinced that he and Puke are the victims.

Not this again

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DH calls Puke last night and when he comes back in the family room he tells me that BM is saying Puke can't come here unless she brings the dog. Now I wouldn't put that past BM but my gut says Puke doesn't want to come this weekend and using that as an excuse. DH of course thinks it's all BM and I just let him. I don't know how many times I said yeah or hmmm.

Poor DH

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DH tells me last night that he's starting to stress with Puke's monthly visit approaching. Now from what I understand he stresses because he knows Puke will do something to upset me.

I ignored him and said nothing. This is all his doing and I'm not going to justify that comment with a response. DH can live in his 9wn stress. I have more important things to worry about.

He also said he is worried about me with what I'm going through with Ms Kitty but I doubt he'll worry about me that much when Puke is here. Or at least do anything to make things easier for me.


over step's picture

This is going to be a jumble of many things going on in myour world. My apologies.

DH continues to kiss my butt. He's been making advances that I just ignore. No interest whatsoever. He can go to Puke for affection.

Speaking of Puke, she is supposed to be coming this coming weekend. Not sure if that's still on as DH doesn't dare talk about her to me. I have noticed that his phone calls with Puke are shorter these days. Seems she's with her BF every time he calls. Tough luck DH.

Back from the vet

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Took Ms Kitty to the vet and got some more steriods. Vet seems to believe there's a lesion on her brain by how she is acting. I told vet that priority is to keep her comfortable until the tough decision needs to be made.

I told H the game plan and the signs I know it's time. This could happen soon or could take a bit depending on how fast the tumor grows. Vet seemed to think that other than the neurological issues, Ms Kitty is otherwise healthy. She's eating and drinking. Uses the litter box okay.

Another kitty update

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It's been a few days since I posted an update on Ms Kitty so here goes.

After tonight she'll only have to take steriods. Both antibiotics will be finished. She went down to steriods once a day but after a couple days she was doing worse so took her back up to twice a day per vet. Will have to call vet to get more steriods unless vet wants to do something else.

Never cease to be amazed

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My H's phone started blowing up with texts yesterday afternoon. It was Puke, of course.

Puke wants daddy to find a home for her cat that I guess has been living in the garage for a while now. She evidently is feeling bad for it since Puke isn't paying attention to it. She wants it go to a home where she can still see it.

Oh, this is a crock. She doesn't give a sh!t about that cat. She just doesn't want to take care of it any more. Now daddy is expected to take care of her problem. I'm sure she was hoping it could come here.

SO in need of chapstick

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And lots of it.

My H has been kissing my butt for a few days now. Pretty much doing whatever I ask him to do. He's even taking me on a shopping spree.

I bought him a really nice gift for Valentine's. Something he's wanted for a while. So he's feeling extra guilty.

Not sure how he'll handle Puke when she confronts him about all this money spent and none on her.

By the way, I'm opening my own savings account to start putting my play money into. Haven't officially split finances yet but taking steps in that direction.

Where does he come off...

over step's picture

saying these things to and about me?

"You will be happy when Puke stops coming while I'll be miserable."
I personally will be happy when Puke stops coming but I won't be happy for DH. Not as cold and heartless as you seem to think.

"What will you say if Puke says she won't come anymore because of you?" What else would she say? She doesn't have the courage to tell the truth that she just doesn't want to come see her dad. But let's believe her and make me the bad guy. Way to have my back.


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Ms Kitty is acting like she feels better. The weakness and balance has not gotten any better but that doesn't stop her. She is really not liking having to take medicine twice a day but she doesn't seem to hold it against us. Especially since it means more treats.
