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Come to Jesus talk

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Had a brutally honest talk with H last night. Pretty much told him that if we loved each other as much as we say we do that we will do whatever it takes to fix this or our marriage isn't going to work and after Sunday it was on a downward spiral. I told him that I need him to make me feel like my feelings are important to him. And if puke(sd15) does something that affects me and I just can't overlook it, he'll handle it to make it better for me. He agreed he would and apologized many times.

Why does this bother me so much?

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I have barely talked to or looked at DH since our talk Sunday morning. I feel so hurt by him and it has made me angry. It's like he wants me be okay with whatever happens concerning puke (sd15) and I'm the bad guy when I'm not. This has been going on pretty much our entire 6 year relationship and I'm finding myself having enough of it. I lived this way with my ex for twenty years and I will not live this way with DH.

So disappointed

over step's picture

First of all, puke is gone!! Hallelujah!

Had a talk with DH yesterday about the bathroom situation. Either puke is taught to pick up after herself and not take things out of the bathroom so I don't have to hunt them down or she is to share his bathroom with him. I tried to be nice and calm during the talk but he automatically got defensive like I had no right to ask that. Like he was mortified that he would have to make puke do this. He said that he felt like I was telling him that he wasn't parenting her right. Well, I don't but that's not the point.

Come on Sunday!

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I don't know how much more of Puke I can stand. Never wished a weekend would go by fast until now. She just takes whatever she wants out of OUR bathroom. Dh has been doing really good but is lacking in make her clean up the bathroom (he just does it) or put things back so others can use it too. Then I have to wait til he cleans it up before I can take a shower cuz she isn't made to do it or I have to find what I need elsewhere cuz if he does say something it's in one ear and out the other.


over step's picture

I just had an epiphany! Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. What if instead of keeping my mouth shut regarding puke I use sincere sarcasm instead?

DH: Puke is sick and won't be able to come for her visit. (I know she's lying)

Old me: Oh ok.

New me: Oh dear! That's too bad. I'm sure she'll be feeling right as rain in no time.

Seems more entertaining for me.

Evil me

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So DH said something about Puke wanting to use the laptop to work on her online courses. He told her she had to ask me since it's mine and I previously took her privileges away for hogging it. I decided that this would be a good way to show DH how generous I am cuz I know Puke will try to take advantage of my generosity. I told him that I would let her but she had to ask me. Rules are that it's to be used only for school, I will set it out in the mornings, and he will make sure it's back out when he gets home from work so I can put it up.

Ugh...can't wait for this week to end

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Almost thru the second day of Puke. (Yep, I'm counting them down.) So far today puke has blared her music in the bathroom while I was working(I work from home), I've had to hide my healthy yummy snacks cuz she's eating them instead of actually fixing herself something, and she just left her crap all over the shower and on the floor(that will be left for DH to handle).

Haven't caught up on my sleep from the drama Friday night/Saturday morning so I'm quite irritable and puke is not helping matters. DH has been been extra nice and attentive towards my feelings.

Just when you think it couldn't get much worse

over step's picture

So bm and Puke had a huge fight last night that kept dh and I up most of the night with all the phone calls. This has been going on all day today as well. Bm wanted puke to come here for a month. Long story short, Puke is coming for a week without the pup. (Puke coming here is benefiting bm so she was insistent that pup stay with her.)

Dh is really mad now

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Dh called me a bit ago about a price for a hotel for him, Puke, and pup this weekend to see if was ok. I told him that we really didn't have a choice if he's still going the hotel route to see Puke.

So a few minutes later I get a text that Puke hadn't talked to her mom yet about switching weekends. Now he's officially pissed.

I actually laughed so loud I scared my cat. :jawdrop:

Puke never ceases to entertain me.

