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Plans rescheduled

over step's picture

So I was planning to sit DH down tonight and give him the news that I am splitting our finances. However, Puke decides to walk through the house at midnight talking on the phone with her BF. I immediately wake up DH and he tells her to keep it down. I told DH that this was BS that now I am awake and have to work the next day while she does nothing.

I made a decision that since I couldn't fall back to sleep I would make sure he stayed awake with me. I poked him a couple times and did a lot of tossing around. At about 2:45 I get up to take something for the now worse headache in hopes it will help me fall asleep. I would say between 3 and 4 I fell asleep.

My alarm goes off at 5:30 so I get up feeling like a zombie who had the shit beat of it. Couldn't function and was on the verge of vomiting. Needless to say I was in no shape to work so had to take the day off.

If I had the energy and wherewithal, I would have made all kinds of noise right outside Puke's bedroom door. But after DH left for work I passed out on the couch.

DH comes home and tells me that he was going up to have a talk with Puke about respect at night when we are sleeping. He saw that morning that I looked like shit and I told him that I wasn't able to work today since she was at it until 1 or 2. Now I'm sure it was in no way a stern talk and more "Puke you're not in trouble but please don't do that again, okay?"

I am even more sure that splitting finances is the best decision I could ever make. DH has shown me over the last 6 years and more so the last few days that we are not a team not to mention he does not respect and honor me the way a husband should his wife.


Peridwen's picture

I'm sorry you had to deal with that. If there is a next time, I suggest ear plugs for you, and a radio going full blast on talk radio - no music - right next to her door. You won't have to hear it and get to sleep but it still gets the point across. }:)

over step's picture

Well I doubt she'll be coming for visits by then so I'll turn her room into a guest room. If she doesn't go to college, CS will stop.

robin333's picture

Okay, I am sure some of the witty women here can come up with suggestions if Puke pulls that again. All I can think of is pillow suffocation for DH and Puke but I lack creativity at the moment.

Definitely separate your finances. It ridiculous that you have to hide your things from Puke. Say bye bye to that sh*t.

Your comment about CS ending at 18 (since Puke won't go to college but hopefully will finish HS) gave me chills. Be sure you and DH have that understood that CS is NOT a negotiable factor when she quits school. It's a definite thing for rational adults but not necessarily for DH'S feeling guilty about their kid's future and blaming themselves for kiddo's failures.

over step's picture

DH has said if she doesn't finish high school so doesn't go on to college, all financial support stops. Now whether he sticks to that or not is questionable and with our finances split, he'll be on his own if he chooses to support her.

robin333's picture

That's good. DH was continuing to pay CS for SS until he was 19 even though he stopped going to school at 16 (We live in a state that CS ends when 18 or graduates from HS, or 19 still in HS.) Our finances were separate but it still irritated me since it did affect me. DH had no retirement and wasn't able to take me out or take a mini vacation.

princessmofo's picture

I want to come to your house, while DH is sleeping, with one of those one man band instruments Bugs Bunny used to play on Looney Tunes. GRRRR... Nothing makes me feel more stabby than lack of sleep.