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8am Sunday Morning and I am awake...

SASX's picture

Why is it when you get a weekend where you can sleep in, you just can't? Your eyes open up and you are wide the heck awake with no ability to fall back asleep?

SO is on my couch, snoring. He 'spent the night' last evening, on the couch not in my room as DD was home. He was over last evening and fell asleep on the couch so I covered him up with a blanket and he is still asleep. DD is in her room sound asleep as well. Me? in the office/den/spare bedroom on the computer coffee in hand wondering why I am awake when everyone else is asleep.

In about an hour things should get interesting. After SO fell asleep last night, DD painted his fingernails pink while he slept. It should be fun to see his reaction when he gets up and finally notices it. If he doesn't notice it, I will warn him before he leaves. I could just see him being oblivious enough to not notice and have someone point it out to him while at work on Tuesday LOL.

SO and DD have a date today. She wants to play softball at school so he is taking her to the batting cages to get some practice in. Should give me just enough time to sneak in a mani/pedi at the salon a block away while they are sweating and having 'fun'. DD is definitely a tom boy, me, not so much! SO played base ball in HS so... he is the far better pick as an adult to help. Which is why DD asked him not me!