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Could it be?

over step's picture

DH tells me last night he got a call from Puke yesterday. Now usually the only time he tells me she's called it's not something I wanna hear. Not exactly so this time.

Evidently Puke may have a full time babysitting job. This means that if she does get it she won't be able to come for visits during the week. Bummer!

I'm so hoping she gets and actually keeps the job. The money will be a plus for her which she'll spend like it's on fire but I think she will grow tired of having obligations that she can't just blow off.

I think she will use this as an excuse to not come and I'm pretty sure DH realizes this. He doesn't seem terribly upset about it which is curious as I know he loves it when she's here and says he misses her when she not here.


robin333's picture

Not trying to be negative but I can't see Puke keeping a job for long. But, here's hoping I am wrong!

StepLady's picture

Oh my! This could very good news! Even the laziest can sit in a home and tell a kid to get off this or that and turn the tv down etc. Hope it works out and she is super busy and has her own money! That could be very good for her.

lintini's picture

Well that's good if she does get the job. That's a great learning experience and excellent birth control! Wink I wished I had more babysitting experience when I was a teen because I haven't held a baby in 13 years now since my cousin was born and I guess I haven't changed a diaper since my brother was little and he's 24 now.... LOL is coming in July and I am going to be a mess!

over step's picture

Well she got the job and according to DH who knows when she will come for a weekend visit. Fingers crossed she can keep the job.

over step's picture

I didn't say much about it. He thinks Puke will come for weekend visits if she can talk BM into driving her to the drop off point. I think Puke will come when she wants to and I don't see that happening much at all.

The asking for things won't be my problem since we've split finances. He can spend his money on her if he wants. Even if she is supposed to have her own.

I'll just shower DH with lots of attention and keep him busy with fun stuff to keep his mind off of it. Being sure to post on FB for Puke and the world to see.