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mndblwn's Blog

internal combustion feeling

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Things have become somewhat better with BM since DH has had the court order set in place and went in front of the judge. however i don't like the court order set up by dh and bm only to trap bm into not being around. we have a phone all restriction for m, w, f, and sat nights between 5 and 530. we have to give notice when going out of town. we provide a home phone for bm with ss6 yet since we are going out of town she wants to call dh cell phone. cant this woman allow family time with ss andnot bug us for just one day?

what to do now

mndblwn's picture

So our court date went great. BM was told off by judge and told she was poison to her 6 yr old son. The judge signed into order the visitation and phone schedule. BM either is deaf or just plain stupid. Friday night the boy had to wait at our house for the phone call from his mother before he could go spend the night. BM never called during her time frame so I unplugged the phone from the wall and took ss to his friends house. When I arrived home BM had sent texts to DH asking where her son was and stating that the people the boy was staying with were not answering the phone.

court went great

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So after DH had his heart attack in which his great ex and BM of his 6yr old said was a drug overdose, the doctors and judge came out on our side. BM was talking to kid about case and trying to put kid against dad. well judge told her she was more poison to her son then the kid seeing dad not waking up at home the day he had his heart attack. the judge ripped her attorney a new one for getting my DH medical records illegally. BM was asking for group therapy and a custody evaluation but the judge said no way. this kid knows too much and needs to just be a 6 yr old again.

New visits for ss6

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so our wonderful visitation order was signed by the judge finally. BM gets ss6 3 weekends out of the month but she has to do 90% of the driving. each visit so far there has been an excuse that makes us go out of our way for her stupidity. first she ran out of gas and had to drive back and get more which she claims wasn't something she could control then she says she can't drive in rain without 4 wheel drive. this woman wants to be a lawyer thats the scary thing. she is truly the most stupid butt person ive met.

kids mouth

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So while dealing with DH heart issue and the BM stating it was a drug overdose, the judge has now signed into order the visitation and phone arrangements that the two of the came up with. since ss6 has gone to BM, on two occasions he has spoken about drinking by her which is her main crazy issue with DH. ss6 told BM to pour drink out cuz SM says DH drinks a little more than I like. now BM wants a psych evaluation for ss6. she says he is put through lots of trauma. my DH doesn't drink at all now like he used to but it was never anything that ss6 would be harmed.

DH heart attack

mndblwn's picture

Last week my DH had a heart attack while at home with ss. he was unresponsive and was sent to ICU for a few days. He stayed in the hospital for a week. Many things were factors into my DH heart attack however an overdose like his ex wife has claimed and taken him to court for and also filed for a temporary custody order. A certain medicine was given to my DH when he came in that is given for people who overdose however standard protocol for a hospital is to give that medicine if the person isnt breathing right. no doctor treated or declared overdose and DH wouldn't do that.

"I want to live with mom"

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I'm so tired of listening to my ss6 say that he gets toys and has so much fun with BM so he wants to live with her. she hasn't provided for this child since she left when he was a yr and a half old. she doesn't provide insurance for this kid even though he has a hard core medical condition. i have now provided the extra insurance since she only now due to custody hearing start paying bills. my DH and i want to spend the least out of pocket. she doesn't buy clothes and if she does they stay with her. she is what we call the disneyland mom. my DH and i just bought ss6 a swing set for easter.

act like an adult

mndblwn's picture

So the BM attorney told my and DH to act like adults when it comes to visitation rights and who can pick up and take SS6. This woman has called DH and i fat, stupid, uneducated and mentally abusive. all our recorded under text message. how long should DH and i have to wait until we say only contact between parents can be made between email unless there is a medical emergency. We only got a home phone for the BM to call her son yet she still uses my DH cell. it's very frustrating and rude. her new bf even gets in the mix yet we haven't said one word about him.

game games games

mndblwn's picture

All these games here to play. This woman is nasty until she is caught breaking the rules. All nice nice comes out. I want to live life normal. Its funny but exhausting all the same. I want my husband to lay down the law

Help with Ex Wife

mndblwn's picture

:? My husband's ex wife is very much into our lives. My stepson is young and has rarely seen his mom during his short life. The real reason he has seen her is due to my husband. Now that I'm in the life she is trying to make like difficult. She now is fighting for custody and basically wants the easy road but not have him live with her or pay child support. She has no medical insurance and doesn't help with bills until this custody deal has started. She calls all the time now and threatens with police if we aren't home to answer the phone.
