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Help with Ex Wife

mndblwn's picture

:? My husband's ex wife is very much into our lives. My stepson is young and has rarely seen his mom during his short life. The real reason he has seen her is due to my husband. Now that I'm in the life she is trying to make like difficult. She now is fighting for custody and basically wants the easy road but not have him live with her or pay child support. She has no medical insurance and doesn't help with bills until this custody deal has started. She calls all the time now and threatens with police if we aren't home to answer the phone. She is always harassing my husband with nonsense texts and voice mails. She calls me fat and has our house stalked. Everything is ok for her but we break the rules. I don't know what to do anymore because the kid now says he wants to be with her because she buys toys and candy while we buy clothes and food.



Yme's picture

you poor thing! I feel for you! welcome to this site...I am fairly new but have gained a huge amount of strength by being able to vent...and knowing i am not alone...
You and DH need to first get recordings and written copies of the emails/texts and voice messages that BM leaves...get a court reporter service to do the transcript so it cn be entered into evidence in cost a little but will be worth every penny i promise...if you go to court get a court recorder for there too! it documents her and can be brought up verbatum to the court...stops the lies and he said she said..worth EVERY penny and then some!!! BEST move we ever made
this is where to start...
as for a guardian ad litum (sp?) too they will advocate for your ss since he is still little
hang in there and know you are the saving grace in this childs life....hopefully you and DH can get BM out of the picture before she does real and lasting harm to this little one
Good luck and prayers to you!

sixteensmom's picture

What does the court order state about custody and child support? If there isn't one, get one quick that outlines the current living arrangements. The police will laugh at her for calling them to tell u to be home or answer the phone when she calls. Hope she does it so there's proof of her frivolous nutcasedness.

How old is your son? How long gave u been married?

mndblwn's picture

My ss is 6 and I've been married for about 6 months. All our nonsense started the day her bff told her I was hanging around. From that day on she has threatened with court and rules that my DH needs to follow. She hasn't really been around for the past 4 yrs until now. No child support because it's joint custody and he will remain to live with us.